ProfileGDS1406 / 98788_at
TitleBrain regions of various inbred strains
OrganismMus musculus

129S6/SvEvTac A/J C3H/HeJ C57BL/6J DBA/2J FVB/NJ amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland GSM74912 GSM74913 GSM74914 GSM74927 GSM74928 GSM74941 GSM74942 GSM74955 GSM74956 GSM74970 GSM74971 GSM74985 GSM74986 GSM74997 GSM74998 GSM74915 GSM74916 GSM74929 GSM74930 GSM74943 GSM74944 GSM74945 GSM74957 GSM74958 GSM74972 GSM74973 GSM74987 GSM74988 GSM74999 GSM75000 GSM74919 GSM74920 GSM74933 GSM74934 GSM74935 GSM74948 GSM74949 GSM74961 GSM74962 GSM74976 GSM74977 GSM74991 GSM74992 GSM75003 GSM75004 GSM74917 GSM74918 GSM74931 GSM74932 GSM74946 GSM74947 GSM74959 GSM74960 GSM74974 GSM74975 GSM74989 GSM74990 GSM75001 GSM75002 GSM74921 GSM74922 GSM74936 GSM74937 GSM74950 GSM74951 GSM74963 GSM74964 GSM74978 GSM74979 GSM74993 GSM74994 GSM75005 GSM75006 GSM74923 GSM74924 GSM74938 GSM74939 GSM74952 GSM74953 GSM74965 GSM74966 GSM74980 GSM74981 GSM74995 GSM74996 GSM75007 GSM75008 1% 21% 26% 3% 2% 22% 13% 17% 1% 9% 6% 2% 2% 90% 86% 18% 34% 14% 15% 3% 22% 9% 10% 15% 17% 10% 89% 92% 18% 23% 13% 3% 11% 1% 7% 12% 22% 2% 92% 92% 10% 13% 13% 2% 4% 6% 14% 17% 3% 12% 12% 92% 92% 5% 10% 5% 17% 8% 6% 2% 2% 3% 13% 9% 91% 91% 2% 25% 2% 21% 12% 23% 12% 13% 10% 11% 15% 10% 90% 91% sort by strain sort by tissue Gene Expression Profile
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GSM74912129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep10.731
GSM74913129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep215.5421
GSM74914129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep318.826
GSM74927129S6/SvEvTac bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep12.313
GSM74928129S6/SvEvTac bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep21.782
GSM74941129S6/SvEvTac cingulate cortex rep118.6722
GSM74942129S6/SvEvTac cingulate cortex rep29.3513
GSM74955129S6/SvEvTac hippocampus rep113.9917
GSM74956129S6/SvEvTac hippocampus rep21.21
GSM74970129S6/SvEvTac hypothalamus rep17.199
GSM74971129S6/SvEvTac hypothalamus rep24.776
GSM74985129S6/SvEvTac periaqueductal gray rep11.542
GSM74986129S6/SvEvTac periaqueductal gray rep21.182
GSM74997129S6/SvEvTac pituitary gland rep1437.890
GSM74998129S6/SvEvTac pituitary gland rep2342.9886
GSM74915A/J amygdala rep113.7218
GSM74916A/J amygdala rep233.6434
GSM74929A/J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep112.1914
GSM74930A/J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep215.8815
GSM74943A/J cingulate cortex rep12.673
GSM74944A/J cingulate cortex rep217.0622
GSM74945A/J cingulate cortex rep39.779
GSM74957A/J hippocampus rep16.3710
GSM74958A/J hippocampus rep213.0315
GSM74972A/J hypothalamus rep114.1717
GSM74973A/J hypothalamus rep2
GSM74987A/J periaqueductal gray rep18.1210
GSM74988A/J periaqueductal gray rep2
GSM74999A/J pituitary gland rep1407.7989
GSM75000A/J pituitary gland rep2505.2892
GSM74919C3H/HeJ amygdala rep112.9918
GSM74920C3H/HeJ amygdala rep218.0123
GSM74933C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep18.4613
GSM74934C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep22.933
GSM74935C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep37.6911
GSM74948C3H/HeJ cingulate cortex rep11.161
GSM74949C3H/HeJ cingulate cortex rep25.697
GSM74961C3H/HeJ hippocampus rep18.112
GSM74962C3H/HeJ hippocampus rep2
GSM74976C3H/HeJ hypothalamus rep1
GSM74977C3H/HeJ hypothalamus rep225.1222
GSM74991C3H/HeJ periaqueductal gray rep12.022
GSM74992C3H/HeJ periaqueductal gray rep2
GSM75003C3H/HeJ pituitary gland rep1519.6292
GSM75004C3H/HeJ pituitary gland rep2566.2592
GSM74917C57BL/6J amygdala rep16.7710
GSM74918C57BL/6J amygdala rep28.5313
GSM74931C57BL/6J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep18.413
GSM74932C57BL/6J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep22.022
GSM74946C57BL/6J cingulate cortex rep14.434
GSM74947C57BL/6J cingulate cortex rep2
GSM74959C57BL/6J hippocampus rep14.826
GSM74960C57BL/6J hippocampus rep28.9614
GSM74974C57BL/6J hypothalamus rep111.7817
GSM74975C57BL/6J hypothalamus rep22.783
GSM74989C57BL/6J periaqueductal gray rep18.3912
GSM74990C57BL/6J periaqueductal gray rep28.7512
GSM75001C57BL/6J pituitary gland rep1505.5792
GSM75002C57BL/6J pituitary gland rep2502.4492
GSM74921DBA/2J amygdala rep14.375
GSM74922DBA/2J amygdala rep27.9410
GSM74936DBA/2J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep14.315
GSM74937DBA/2J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep215.5717
GSM74950DBA/2J cingulate cortex rep17.648
GSM74951DBA/2J cingulate cortex rep25.926
GSM74963DBA/2J hippocampus rep11.872
GSM74964DBA/2J hippocampus rep2
GSM74978DBA/2J hypothalamus rep11.752
GSM74979DBA/2J hypothalamus rep23.13
GSM74993DBA/2J periaqueductal gray rep112.6113
GSM74994DBA/2J periaqueductal gray rep26.799
GSM75005DBA/2J pituitary gland rep1465.0491
GSM75006DBA/2J pituitary gland rep2453.491
GSM74923FVB/NJ amygdala rep12.192
GSM74924FVB/NJ amygdala rep223.7525
GSM74938FVB/NJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep11.892
GSM74939FVB/NJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep216.7521
GSM74952FVB/NJ cingulate cortex rep110.4912
GSM74953FVB/NJ cingulate cortex rep218.4423
GSM74965FVB/NJ hippocampus rep19.7412
GSM74966FVB/NJ hippocampus rep210.9913
GSM74980FVB/NJ hypothalamus rep17.4710
GSM74981FVB/NJ hypothalamus rep210.6911
GSM74995FVB/NJ periaqueductal gray rep112.4215
GSM74996FVB/NJ periaqueductal gray rep28.8810
GSM75007FVB/NJ pituitary gland rep1440.6190
GSM75008FVB/NJ pituitary gland rep2459.8591