ProfileGDS1406 / 95057_at
TitleBrain regions of various inbred strains
OrganismMus musculus

129S6/SvEvTac A/J C3H/HeJ C57BL/6J DBA/2J FVB/NJ amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland amygdala bed nucleus of the stria terminalis cingulate cortex hippocampus hypothalamus periaqueductal grey pituitary gland GSM74912 GSM74913 GSM74914 GSM74927 GSM74928 GSM74941 GSM74942 GSM74955 GSM74956 GSM74970 GSM74971 GSM74985 GSM74986 GSM74997 GSM74998 GSM74915 GSM74916 GSM74929 GSM74930 GSM74943 GSM74944 GSM74945 GSM74957 GSM74958 GSM74972 GSM74973 GSM74987 GSM74988 GSM74999 GSM75000 GSM74919 GSM74920 GSM74933 GSM74934 GSM74935 GSM74948 GSM74949 GSM74961 GSM74962 GSM74976 GSM74977 GSM74991 GSM74992 GSM75003 GSM75004 GSM74917 GSM74918 GSM74931 GSM74932 GSM74946 GSM74947 GSM74959 GSM74960 GSM74974 GSM74975 GSM74989 GSM74990 GSM75001 GSM75002 GSM74921 GSM74922 GSM74936 GSM74937 GSM74950 GSM74951 GSM74963 GSM74964 GSM74978 GSM74979 GSM74993 GSM74994 GSM75005 GSM75006 GSM74923 GSM74924 GSM74938 GSM74939 GSM74952 GSM74953 GSM74965 GSM74966 GSM74980 GSM74981 GSM74995 GSM74996 GSM75007 GSM75008 69% 74% 66% 87% 87% 73% 68% 78% 78% 86% 87% 86% 87% 94% 91% 67% 62% 87% 84% 65% 70% 66% 77% 81% 88% 87% 85% 86% 94% 94% 69% 71% 87% 83% 86% 70% 71% 79% 81% 88% 85% 88% 86% 94% 93% 67% 69% 86% 87% 74% 73% 78% 81% 86% 87% 87% 88% 94% 95% 70% 71% 84% 85% 69% 72% 75% 78% 88% 88% 85% 87% 94% 94% 65% 71% 87% 85% 67% 74% 80% 79% 88% 88% 88% 87% 94% 93% sort by strain sort by tissue Gene Expression Profile
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GSM74912129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep113369
GSM74913129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep2177.9674
GSM74914129S6/SvEvTac amygdala rep3118.6566
GSM74927129S6/SvEvTac bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1365.8787
GSM74928129S6/SvEvTac bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2374.4487
GSM74941129S6/SvEvTac cingulate cortex rep1162.0273
GSM74942129S6/SvEvTac cingulate cortex rep2123.1568
GSM74955129S6/SvEvTac hippocampus rep1225.4778
GSM74956129S6/SvEvTac hippocampus rep2224.2878
GSM74970129S6/SvEvTac hypothalamus rep1329.4786
GSM74971129S6/SvEvTac hypothalamus rep2359.8287
GSM74985129S6/SvEvTac periaqueductal gray rep1364.6486
GSM74986129S6/SvEvTac periaqueductal gray rep2393.9387
GSM74997129S6/SvEvTac pituitary gland rep1631.6694
GSM74998129S6/SvEvTac pituitary gland rep2486.9491
GSM74915A/J amygdala rep1122.167
GSM74916A/J amygdala rep2100.6862
GSM74929A/J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1357.7787
GSM74930A/J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2304.7584
GSM74943A/J cingulate cortex rep1111.365
GSM74944A/J cingulate cortex rep2146.7670
GSM74945A/J cingulate cortex rep3121.966
GSM74957A/J hippocampus rep1212.477
GSM74958A/J hippocampus rep2260.5981
GSM74972A/J hypothalamus rep1401.1488
GSM74973A/J hypothalamus rep2380.1887
GSM74987A/J periaqueductal gray rep1329.0185
GSM74988A/J periaqueductal gray rep2347.1286
GSM74999A/J pituitary gland rep1622.0594
GSM75000A/J pituitary gland rep2627.9994
GSM74919C3H/HeJ amygdala rep1135.0569
GSM74920C3H/HeJ amygdala rep2152.0471
GSM74933C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1372.7587
GSM74934C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2302.1383
GSM74935C3H/HeJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep3352.1686
GSM74948C3H/HeJ cingulate cortex rep1149.470
GSM74949C3H/HeJ cingulate cortex rep2152.7571
GSM74961C3H/HeJ hippocampus rep1234.379
GSM74962C3H/HeJ hippocampus rep2260.5781
GSM74976C3H/HeJ hypothalamus rep1390.1988
GSM74977C3H/HeJ hypothalamus rep2323.0385
GSM74991C3H/HeJ periaqueductal gray rep1401.7688
GSM74992C3H/HeJ periaqueductal gray rep2346.9786
GSM75003C3H/HeJ pituitary gland rep1622.8894
GSM75004C3H/HeJ pituitary gland rep2577.2593
GSM74917C57BL/6J amygdala rep1120.4167
GSM74918C57BL/6J amygdala rep2136.1869
GSM74931C57BL/6J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1341.8986
GSM74932C57BL/6J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2377.7887
GSM74946C57BL/6J cingulate cortex rep1183.0874
GSM74947C57BL/6J cingulate cortex rep2170.1373
GSM74959C57BL/6J hippocampus rep1229.9578
GSM74960C57BL/6J hippocampus rep2263.2981
GSM74974C57BL/6J hypothalamus rep1351.0986
GSM74975C57BL/6J hypothalamus rep2359.987
GSM74989C57BL/6J periaqueductal gray rep1371.6187
GSM74990C57BL/6J periaqueductal gray rep2399.6788
GSM75001C57BL/6J pituitary gland rep1626.3894
GSM75002C57BL/6J pituitary gland rep2705.2895
GSM74921DBA/2J amygdala rep1142.8370
GSM74922DBA/2J amygdala rep2148.1271
GSM74936DBA/2J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1301.8384
GSM74937DBA/2J bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2322.0485
GSM74950DBA/2J cingulate cortex rep1140.9569
GSM74951DBA/2J cingulate cortex rep2161.3972
GSM74963DBA/2J hippocampus rep1196.9575
GSM74964DBA/2J hippocampus rep2227.9978
GSM74978DBA/2J hypothalamus rep1393.9588
GSM74979DBA/2J hypothalamus rep2389.588
GSM74993DBA/2J periaqueductal gray rep1333.8585
GSM74994DBA/2J periaqueductal gray rep2383.3787
GSM75005DBA/2J pituitary gland rep1649.1994
GSM75006DBA/2J pituitary gland rep260794
GSM74923FVB/NJ amygdala rep1114.9465
GSM74924FVB/NJ amygdala rep2156.2371
GSM74938FVB/NJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep1368.5387
GSM74939FVB/NJ bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rep2318.5885
GSM74952FVB/NJ cingulate cortex rep1118.3667
GSM74953FVB/NJ cingulate cortex rep2169.1774
GSM74965FVB/NJ hippocampus rep1256.7580
GSM74966FVB/NJ hippocampus rep2239.3879
GSM74980FVB/NJ hypothalamus rep137888
GSM74981FVB/NJ hypothalamus rep2378.6388
GSM74995FVB/NJ periaqueductal gray rep1420.2388
GSM74996FVB/NJ periaqueductal gray rep2383.2787
GSM75007FVB/NJ pituitary gland rep1596.5194
GSM75008FVB/NJ pituitary gland rep2582.9393