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Sample GSM1519699 Query DataSets for GSM1519699
Status Public on Oct 09, 2014
Title hIPSCxhIPSC SCZP self
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name hiPSCs derived from patient with schizophrenia
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)
disease group: schizophrenia
Treatment protocol Procedures are described in Paulsen et al. (2011). For generation of iPS cells, human primary fibroblasts were transduced overnight with equal amounts of concentrated supernatants containing each of the four retroviruses, supplemented with 8 μg/ml polybrene. Twenty-four hours after transduction, virus-containing medium was replaced by the second round of supernatant. Two days after transduction, 50 μg/ml of L-ascorbic acid (USB Corporation) was added to cultures. Six days after transduction, cells were replated (5 × 10^4 cells per six-well plate) on mitotically inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). In the following day, medium was replaced by mTeSRTM1 and changed every day. Eight days after transduction, 1 mM of valproic acid (VPA, Sigma) was added to the medium for another 7 days. About 20 days after transduction, colonies were picked up and transferred to six-well plates coated with Matrigel in mTeSRTM1. Pluripotent-like colonies were selected based on morphological criteria, and pluripotency was verified by RT-PCR analyses and immunostaining assays using OCT3/4 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology; mouse, 1:100), stage-specific embryonic antigen 4 (SSEA4; Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), TRA-1-60 (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), and TRA-1-81 (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100) primary antibodies. Generation of neural precursor cells (NPCs) was performed using retinoic acid (RA), and immunological analyses were done using primary antibodies for nestin (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), βIII-tubulin (Sigma; mouse, 1:100), and NeuN (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100). The cell lines derived in this work, as well as controls, are available in the cell bank of the National Laboratory for Embryonic Stem Cell Research at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, LaNCE-RJ (Brazil).
Growth protocol NA
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol (Sigma) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA quantity and integrity were assessed by spectrophotometry (Nanodrop) and microfluidics-based electrophoresis (Bioanalyzer, Agilent 2100), respectively, and obtained OD of ~2.0 and RIN>9.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Samples were prepared according to the Agilent mRNA Microarray System protocol using 250ng of total RNA for amplification and labelling using the Agilent Low RNA Input Fluorescent Linear Amplification Kit.
Channel 2
Source name hiPSCs derived from patient with schizophrenia
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics cell type: human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)
disease group: schizophrenia
Treatment protocol Procedures are described in Paulsen et al. (2011). For generation of iPS cells, human primary fibroblasts were transduced overnight with equal amounts of concentrated supernatants containing each of the four retroviruses, supplemented with 8 μg/ml polybrene. Twenty-four hours after transduction, virus-containing medium was replaced by the second round of supernatant. Two days after transduction, 50 μg/ml of L-ascorbic acid (USB Corporation) was added to cultures. Six days after transduction, cells were replated (5 × 10^4 cells per six-well plate) on mitotically inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). In the following day, medium was replaced by mTeSRTM1 and changed every day. Eight days after transduction, 1 mM of valproic acid (VPA, Sigma) was added to the medium for another 7 days. About 20 days after transduction, colonies were picked up and transferred to six-well plates coated with Matrigel in mTeSRTM1. Pluripotent-like colonies were selected based on morphological criteria, and pluripotency was verified by RT-PCR analyses and immunostaining assays using OCT3/4 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology; mouse, 1:100), stage-specific embryonic antigen 4 (SSEA4; Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), TRA-1-60 (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), and TRA-1-81 (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100) primary antibodies. Generation of neural precursor cells (NPCs) was performed using retinoic acid (RA), and immunological analyses were done using primary antibodies for nestin (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100), βIII-tubulin (Sigma; mouse, 1:100), and NeuN (Chemicon; mouse, 1:100). The cell lines derived in this work, as well as controls, are available in the cell bank of the National Laboratory for Embryonic Stem Cell Research at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, LaNCE-RJ (Brazil).
Growth protocol NA
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol (Sigma) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA quantity and integrity were assessed by spectrophotometry (Nanodrop) and microfluidics-based electrophoresis (Bioanalyzer, Agilent 2100), respectively, and obtained OD of ~2.0 and RIN>9.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Samples were prepared according to the Agilent mRNA Microarray System protocol using 250ng of total RNA for amplification and labelling using the Agilent Low RNA Input Fluorescent Linear Amplification Kit.
Hybridization protocol Samples were hybridized for microarrays in the Agilent SureHyb chambers (Agilent Technologies) for 20 h at 55°C, and the platforms were washed with the manufacturer’s washing buffers.
Scan protocol Scanned images of the arrays were processed using Feature Extraction software (Agilent Technologies) with default parameters.
Description Self-self control.
Patient was a 48-year-old woman with DSM-IVTR schizophrenia defined as treatment-resistant under clozapine treatment (SZCP).
Data processing Self-self experiments were performed by labelling the SCZP hiPSC with either Cy3 or Cy5 dyes and hybridizing simultaneously on the same microarray slide to determine the intensity-dependent cut-offs. These cut-offs were applied to the non-self-self experiments, (NPCxhIPSC SCZP) and (NPCxhIPSC CON).
R (programming language) and Bioconductor package Limma were used.
Submission date Oct 06, 2014
Last update date Oct 09, 2014
Contact name Renato David Puga
Organization name Universidade de São Paulo
Department Instituto de Psiquiatria
Lab Laboratório de Genética
Street address Dr Ovidio Pires de Campos,785
City São Paulo
State/province São Paulo
ZIP/Postal code 05403-010
Country Brazil
Platform ID GPL4133
Series (1)
GSE62105 Co-expression network analysis from genes involved with neural-differentiation shows specific pattern in patients with schizophrenia

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Lowess-normalized log10 ratio (Cy3/Cy5)

Data table
12 -0.035232487
13 -0.02953314
14 0.146732879
15 -0.452121518
16 -0.204338105
17 -0.555796796
18 0.523676645
19 -0.099541279
20 -0.439335629
21 -0.02700629
22 0.057838029
23 -0.026705567
24 0.026978414
25 -0.183642626
26 -0.414680775
27 -0.338429969
28 -0.025747444
29 -0.025373337
30 -0.085685599
31 0.004432187

Total number of rows: 43376

Table truncated, full table size 770 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1519699_US83203532_251485047043_S01_GE2-v5_10_Apr08-ALEX_1_3.txt.gz 13.9 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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