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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: GENETHON
Submitter Method ID: PCR
Submitted method description:
PCR amplifications.
All the microsatellite markers described were studied using the
following standard PCR conditions. These conditions represent a
compromise which is probably remote from optimum for most primer
PCR reactions are performed in a total volume of 50 micro liters, containing 80
ng of genomic DNA, 50 pmol of each primer, 0.125 mM dNTPs and 1 unit of
Taq polymerase. 1X amplification buffer contains 10 mM Tris base pH9,
50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.1% Triton X100 and 0.01% gelatin. The
reactions are performed using a "hot-start" procedure: Taq polymerase
is added only after a first denaturation step of 5 minutes at 96C degree.
Amplification is carried out during 35 cycles of denaturation (94C degree for
40 sec) and annealing (55C degree for 30 sec). An elongation step (72C degree for 2
min) ends the process after the last annealing.
This "hot-start" procedure permits an efficient primary denaturation
step, and minimizes enzyme degradation. Moreover, addition of Taq
polymerase at a high temperature, considerably reduces mispriming.
Since the amplification products to be obtained are short (90 to 350
base pairs long) and the time interval to raise the temperature from 55
to 94C degree (obtained with a ramping rate of 1C degree/second) is long enough,
completion of DNA elongation can be achieved without a step at 72C degree.
This speeds up the overall amplification.
Repeat Counts.
Repeat counts were obtained on the reference sequence using Repeat Masker
( Repeat counts for the alleles
are based on difference of the allele fragment size to reference fragment length.
Ambiguous cases were submitted as named variations.

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
GENETHON Frequency GenethonSTR_Batch1 106
GENETHON Assay GenethonSTR_Batch1 106

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