Submitter | Handle | WEILL_CORNELL_DGM | Submitter SNP ID | SNV:chr8:19811901 | RefSNP(rs#) | rs255 | Submitted Batch ID | QG108_GENOMIC_SNPS_20151008 | Submitted Date | Oct 16, 2015 | Publication Cited | [1] Indigenous Arabs are Descendants of the Earliest Split from Ancient Eurasian Populations | First entry to dbSNP | Oct 16 2015 12:00:00:000AM |
| Resource Links | Submitted Gene Name | N.D | Submitted Gene ID | N.D. | Submitted SNP Synonyms | N.D | Submitted linkout | SNV:chr8:19811901 |
| Assay | Species | Homo sapiens | Molecular Type | Genomic | Method | ILLUMINA WHOLE GENOME | Ascertainment Samplesize | 108 | Population | N.D. |
| Allele | Observed Allele | T/C | Ancestral Allele | N.D. | Allele Origin | N/A | SNP Class | SNV | CpG Code | N.D. |
| | Variation | Frequency Submission | N.D. | Genotype Summary | N.D. | Genotype Submission | N.D. | Haplotype | N.D. |
>gnl|dbSNP|ss1928562354|allelePos=26|len=51|taxid=9606|alleles='T/C'|mol=Genomic TTAGAAGCGA ATTAAATGTG ACTCT
There is no frequency submission for ss1928562354.
No sufficient data to compute Hardy-weinberg probability for ss1928562354.
There is no individual genotype data for ss1928562354.