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DNA topoisomerase type I, omega protein [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2]

NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_460673.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NP_460673                865 aa            linear   CON 08-SEP-2022
DEFINITION  DNA topoisomerase type I, omega protein [Salmonella enterica subsp.
            enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2].
VERSION     NP_460673.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA57799
            BioSample: SAMN02604315
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_003197.2
SOURCE      Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2
  ORGANISM  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
            Enterobacterales; Enterobacteriaceae; Salmonella.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 865)
  AUTHORS   McClelland,M., Sanderson,K.E., Spieth,J., Clifton,S.W.,
            Latreille,P., Courtney,L., Porwollik,S., Ali,J., Dante,M., Du,F.,
            Hou,S., Layman,D., Leonard,S., Nguyen,C., Scott,K., Holmes,A.,
            Grewal,N., Mulvaney,E., Ryan,E., Sun,H., Florea,L., Miller,W.,
            Stoneking,T., Nhan,M., Waterston,R. and Wilson,R.K.
  TITLE     Complete genome sequence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
  JOURNAL   Nature 413 (6858), 852-856 (2001)
   PUBMED   11677609
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 865)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (08-SEP-2022) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 865)
  AUTHORS   McClelland,M., Jain,A., Saraogi,P., Mendelson,R., Westerman,R.,
            SanMiguel,P. and Csonka,L.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (13-JAN-2016) Department of Microbiology and Molecular
            Genetics, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
  REMARK    Sequence update by submitter
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 865)
  CONSRTM   The Salmonella typhimurium Genome Sequencing Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (29-MAR-2001) Genome Sequencing Center, Department of
            Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest
            Park Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to AAL20632.
            Supported by NIH grant 5U 01 AI43283
            Coding sequences below are predicted from manually evaluated
            computer analysis, using similarity information and the programs;
            GLIMMER; http://www.tigr.org/softlab/glimmer/glimmer.html and
            GeneMark; http://opal.biology.gatech.edu/GeneMark/
            EC numbers were kindly provided by Junko Yabuzaki and the Kyoto
            Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/,
            and Pedro Romero and Peter Karp at EcoCyc;
            The analyses of ribosome binding sites and promoter binding sites
            were kindly provided by Heladia Salgado, Julio Collado-Vides and
            This sequence was finished as follows unless otherwise noted: all
            regions were double stranded, sequenced with an alternate
            chemistries or covered by high quality data (i.e., phred quality >=
            30); an attempt was made to resolve all sequencing problems, such
            as compressions and repeats; all regions were covered by sequence
            from more than one m13 subclone.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..865
                     /organism="Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar
                     Typhimurium str. LT2"
                     /type_material="type strain of Salmonella enterica"
     Protein         1..865
                     /product="DNA topoisomerase type I, omega protein"
     Region          2..849
                     /note="DNA topoisomerase I subunit omega; Validated"
     CDS             1..865
                     /note="similar to E. coli DNA topoisomerase type I, omega
                     protein (AAC74356.1); Blastp hit to AAC74356.1 (865 aa),
                     96% identity in aa 1 - 865"
CONTIG      join(WP_000513593.1:1..865)
        1 mgkalvives pakaktinky lgndyvvkss vghirdlpts gsaakksads tstktakkpk
       61 kdergalvnr mgvdpwhnwd ahyevlpgke kvvselkqla ekadhiylat dldregeaia
      121 whlreviggd darysrvvfn eitknairqa feqpgelnin rvnaqqarrf mdrvvgymvs
      181 pllwkkiarg lsagrvqsva vrlvverere ikafvpeefw eidantttps gealplqvth
      241 qndkpfrpvn reqtlaavsl lekarysvle redkptsskp gapfitstlq qaastrlgfg
      301 vkktmmmaqr lyeagyitym rtdstnlsqd avnmvrgyig dnfgkkylpd npnqyasken
      361 sqeaheairp sdvavmaesl kdmeadaqkl yqliwrqfva cqmtpaqyds ttltvgagef
      421 rlkargrilr fdgwtkvmpa lrkgdedrtl pavnkgdalt lleltpaqhf tkpparfsea
      481 slvkelekrg igrpstyasi istiqdrgyv rvenrrfyae kmgeivtdrl eenfrelmny
      541 dftaqmedsl dqvanhqaew kavldnffsd ftqqldkaek dpeeggmrpn qmvltsidcp
      601 tcgrkmgirt astgvflgcs gyalspkerc kttinlvpen evlnvlegdd aetnalrakr
      661 rcqkcgtamd sylidpkrkl hvcgnnptcd gyeieegefr ikgydgpive cekcgsemhl
      721 kmgrfgkyma ctndeckntr kilrngevap pkedpvplpe lpceksdayf vlrdgaagif
      781 laantfpksr etraplveel yrfrdrlpek lryladapqq dpegnktvvr fsrktkqqyv
      841 aaekdgkatg wsaffvdgkw vegkk
/note="similar to E. coli DNA topoisomerase type I, omega
protein (AAC74356.1); Blastp hit to AAC74356.1 (865 aa),
96% identity in aa 1 - 865"
Feature NP_460673 : 1 segment
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