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TATA box binding protein, isoform CRA_c [Mus musculus]

GenBank: EDL20462.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       EDL20462                 260 aa            linear   ROD 26-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  TATA box binding protein, isoform CRA_c [Mus musculus].
VERSION     EDL20462.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA11785
            BioSample: SAMN03004379
DBSOURCE    accession CH466630.2
SOURCE      Mus musculus (house mouse)
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 260)
  AUTHORS   Mural,R.J., Adams,M.D., Myers,E.W., Smith,H.O., Miklos,G.L.,
            Wides,R., Halpern,A., Li,P.W., Sutton,G.G., Nadeau,J.,
            Salzberg,S.L., Holt,R.A., Kodira,C.D., Lu,F., Chen,L., Deng,Z.,
            Evangelista,C.C., Gan,W., Heiman,T.J., Li,J., Li,Z., Merkulov,G.V.,
            Milshina,N.V., Naik,A.K., Qi,R., Shue,B.C., Wang,A., Wang,J.,
            Wang,X., Yan,X., Ye,J., Yooseph,S., Zhao,Q., Zheng,L., Zhu,S.C.,
            Biddick,K., Bolanos,R., Delcher,A.L., Dew,I.M., Fasulo,D.,
            Flanigan,M.J., Huson,D.H., Kravitz,S.A., Miller,J.R., Mobarry,C.M.,
            Reinert,K., Remington,K.A., Zhang,Q., Zheng,X.H., Nusskern,D.R.,
            Lai,Z., Lei,Y., Zhong,W., Yao,A., Guan,P., Ji,R.R., Gu,Z.,
            Wang,Z.Y., Zhong,F., Xiao,C., Chiang,C.C., Yandell,M.,
            Wortman,J.R., Amanatides,P.G., Hladun,S.L., Pratts,E.C.,
            Johnson,J.E., Dodson,K.L., Woodford,K.J., Evans,C.A., Gropman,B.,
            Rusch,D.B., Venter,E., Wang,M., Smith,T.J., Houck,J.T.,
            Tompkins,D.E., Haynes,C., Jacob,D., Chin,S.H., Allen,D.R.,
            Dahlke,C.E., Sanders,R., Li,K., Liu,X., Levitsky,A.A.,
            Majoros,W.H., Chen,Q., Xia,A.C., Lopez,J.R., Donnelly,M.T.,
            Newman,M.H., Glodek,A., Kraft,C.L., Nodell,M., Ali,F., An,H.J.,
            Baldwin-Pitts,D., Beeson,K.Y., Cai,S., Carnes,M., Carver,A.,
            Caulk,P.M., Center,A., Chen,Y.H., Cheng,M.L., Coyne,M.D.,
            Crowder,M., Danaher,S., Davenport,L.B., Desilets,R., Dietz,S.M.,
            Doup,L., Dullaghan,P., Ferriera,S., Fosler,C.R., Gire,H.C.,
            Gluecksmann,A., Gocayne,J.D., Gray,J., Hart,B., Haynes,J.,
            Hoover,J., Howland,T., Ibegwam,C., Jalali,M., Johns,D., Kline,L.,
            Ma,D.S., MacCawley,S., Magoon,A., Mann,F., May,D., McIntosh,T.C.,
            Mehta,S., Moy,L., Moy,M.C., Murphy,B.J., Murphy,S.D., Nelson,K.A.,
            Nuri,Z., Parker,K.A., Prudhomme,A.C., Puri,V.N., Qureshi,H.,
            Raley,J.C., Reardon,M.S., Regier,M.A., Rogers,Y.H., Romblad,D.L.,
            Schutz,J., Scott,J.L., Scott,R., Sitter,C.D., Smallwood,M.,
            Sprague,A.C., Stewart,E., Strong,R.V., Suh,E., Sylvester,K.,
            Thomas,R., Tint,N.N., Tsonis,C., Wang,G., Wang,G., Williams,M.S.,
            Williams,S.M., Windsor,S.M., Wolfe,K., Wu,M.M., Zaveri,J.,
            Chaturvedi,K., Gabrielian,A.E., Ke,Z., Sun,J., Subramanian,G.,
            Venter,J.C., Pfannkoch,C.M., Barnstead,M. and Stephenson,L.D.
  TITLE     A comparison of whole-genome shotgun-derived mouse chromosome 16
            and the human genome
  JOURNAL   Science 296 (5573), 1661-1671 (2002)
   PUBMED   12040188
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 260)
  AUTHORS   Mural,R.J., Adams,M.D., Myers,E.W., Smith,H.O. and Venter,J.C.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (05-JUL-2005) Celera Genomics, 45 W. Gude Dr., Rockville,
            MD 20850, USA
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 260)
  AUTHORS   Mural,R.J., Adams,M.D., Myers,E.W., Smith,H.O. and Venter,J.C.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-SEP-2005) Celera Genomics, 45 W. Gude Dr., Rockville,
            MD 20850, USA
COMMENT     Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..260
                     /organism="Mus musculus"
     Protein         1..260
                     /product="TATA box binding protein, isoform CRA_c"
     Region          139..256
                     /note="TATA box binding protein (TBP): Present in archaea
                     and eukaryotes, TBPs are transcription factors that
                     recognize promoters and initiate transcription. TBP has
                     been shown to be an essential component of three different
                     transcription initiation complexes:...; cl08263"
     Site            order(143..144,146,173..174,178,180,187,189,193,195,197,
                     /note="DNA interaction surface [nucleotide binding]"
     Site            order(158,165..167,169,174,180,182)
                     /note="TFIIA interaction surface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(173,214..215,220,251..252)
                     /note="NC2 interaction surface [polypeptide binding]"
     CDS             1..260
                     /note="gene_id=mCG4503.3 transcript_id=mCT185577.0
                     protein_id=mCP106835.0 isoform=CRA_c"
        1 mdqnnslppy aqglaspqga mtpgipifsp mmpygtgltp qpiqntnsls ileeqqrqqq
       61 qqqqqqqqqq avataaasvq qstsqqptqg asgqtpqlfh sqtlttaplp gttplypspm
      121 tpmtpitpat pasessgivp qlqnivstvn lgckldlkti alrarnaeyn pkrfaavimr
      181 ireprttali fssgkmvctg aksyepelfp gliyrmikpr ivllifvsgk vvltgakvra
      241 eiyeafeniy pilkgfrktt
/note="gene_id=mCG4503.3 transcript_id=mCT185577.0
protein_id=mCP106835.0 isoform=CRA_c"
Feature EDL20462 : 1 segment
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  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for TATA-box-binding protein (NP_038712.3).

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