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OS9 - AP1510, TGFα or heregulin ligand effect on MCF10 mammary epithelial cells expressing HER2-FKBP-HA chimeric receptors

OS9, OS9, endoplasmic reticulum lectin
Homo sapiens
GPL6244, 7956593 (ID_REF), GDS4361, NM_001017956, NM_001017957, NM_001017958, NM_001261420, NM_001261421, NM_001261422, NM_001261423, NM_006812, AB002806, BC000532, BC006506, BC007254, BC023513, CR456791, U41635, chr12:58087886-58115340 (SPOT ID)
DataSet type:
Expression profiling by array, transformed count, 12 samples

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