Gene expression analysis in heifer luteal tissue by interspecies microarray analysis. Post-pubertal heifer fed diet containing endophyte infected fescue seed supplemented with 1.44 mg domperidone/kg body weight. Heifer was slaughtered at a local abattoir 14 days after ovulation and used for this study. Ovaries were collected and shipped at room temperature to the laboratory. Approximately 3 mm3 samples of luteal tissue were placed in cryovials and frozen at -80oC until processed. One sample was ground to a fine powder in liquid N and total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy® Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Quality and quantity of RNA was determined by gel electrophoresis and spectrophotometry. Five µg of total RNA was converted to cDNA and then biotin-labeled cRNA by linear amplification (CodeLink® Expression Bioarrays, Amersham Biosciences Corp, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Ten micrograms of labeled cRNA were hybridized to CodeLink UniSet Rat I Bioarray (Amersham Biosciences Corp, Piscataway, NJ, USA) by the Amersham Biosciences Facility.
Endophyte-infected diet alters gene expression in heifer luteal tissue
Data table header descriptions
Intensity is defined as the average of the pixel signals in the area of interest minus the scaled 5-pixel median background.
Normalized_Intensity. The intensities are median-normalized by calculating the median of all spots, minus the control probes and blanks, and dividing each spot intensity by the median value.
After median-normalization, the negative control threshold is calculated using a set of pre-determined negative controls. Negative control threshold = (20% trim-mean of negative controls) + 3 standard deviations using the trim-mean set.
Good - No flags associated with this particular spot; Empty - Spots near a background level where the mean background plus one standard deviation is greater than the signal mean; MSR - Data points not provided (blank cell in excel worksheet) based upon quality control of manufacturing processes. Each array is scanned post-dispense and issues such as misfiring are labeled as MSR; Poor - Spots identified based upon characteristics such as spot morphology or large interference in signal (such as a speck of dust); Negative - Spots with a signal mean less than the background, intensity value is a negative number.