This sample was analyzed as part of the Stem Cell Genomics Project ( The biological material was submitted to the Ontario Genomics Innovation Centre ( by Dr. Ruth Slack ([email protected]; ) for analysis. Stembase Experiment ID: E206 Stembase Experiment ID link: SCGP Sample ID: S271 SCGP Sample ID link: Short description: The ganglionic eminence was dissected and neurospheres were cultured from the brain of E13.5 embroys. RNA was isolated from neurospheres cultured from p107-/- embryos and their wildtype littermates. P107 knockout mice have previously been shown to have an increased number of stem cells and enhanced stem cell self renewal. With the microarray experiment we are hoping to discover the genes involved in stem cell number and self renewal along with p107 Analysis requested: Compare against p107 knockout Littermates Estimated purity: minimal non-neural contamination RNA concentration: 2 ug/uL Num cells for RNA prep: 15 x 10^6 Sample volume: 10 uL
Data processing
Calculated using the MAS5 algorithm where sc=1500, tau=0.015, alpha1=0.04, and alpla2=0.06