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Sample GSM838994 Query DataSets for GSM838994
Status Public on Apr 27, 2012
Title RIg11_Week12postSIV_PBMCs
Sample type RNA
Source name SIV infected, Control antibody treated Rhesus macaque PBMCs
Organism Macaca mulatta
Characteristics disease state: week 12 post SIV infected
treatment: day 14 post Control antibody
tissue: PBMCs
Treatment protocol Rhesus macaques were infected intravenously with 200 TCID50 of SIVmac251 strain. The SIV-negative animals used here were sacrificed due to neurological and mental problems but were checked to ensure no history of bowel problems.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was extracted with Rneasy mini kit (Qiagen)
Label Biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated complementary RNAs (cRNAs) were synthesized in the presence of T7 RNA Polymerase and a biotinylated nucleotide analog/ribonucleotide mix by in vitro transcription (IVT) reaction.
Hybridization protocol The biotinylated cRNAs were cleaned up, fragmented, and hybridized to the rhesus macaque expression arrays at 45°C for 16 h with constant rotation at 60 rpm. The gene chips were then washed and stained with Affymetrix fluidics stations 450.
Scan protocol The gene chips were scanned on Affymetrix scanner 3000
Data processing The images are processed to collect raw data with GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS) 1.4.
.CEL files were loaded in to Genespring GX10 software, data was preprocessed with RMA (Robost Multichip Analaysis) and per gene normaization was performed by setting measurements to median.Only those transcripts that were called present or marginal in at least one of the same condition were taken into account. Genes with statistically significant differences between the SIV infected, PD-1 antibody treated versus SIV infected, Control antibody treated group of Rhesus macaques were classified(One way ANOVA, p-value cutoff 0.05) with minimum of 1.5 fold change difference.
Submission date Nov 23, 2011
Last update date Apr 27, 2012
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 404-727-9233
Organization name emory university
Department Microbiology and Immunology
Lab Rama Amara
Street address 954 Gatewood RD NE
City Atlanta
State/province Georgia
ZIP/Postal code 30329
Country USA
Platform ID GPL3535
Series (1)
GSE33933 Gene expression in the blood of SIV infected Rhesus macaques following in vivo PD-1 blockade

Data table header descriptions
VALUE rma normalized

Data table
AFFX-BioB-5_at 0.38889122
AFFX-BioB-M_at 0.24835396
AFFX-BioB-3_at 0.38890457
AFFX-BioC-5_at 0.15536118
AFFX-BioC-3_at 0.22679806
AFFX-BioDn-5_at -0.009317398
AFFX-BioDn-3_at 0.12784481
AFFX-CreX-5_at 0.027029991
AFFX-CreX-3_at 0.020364761
AFFX-DapX-5_at -0.9869952
AFFX-DapX-M_at 0.44875145
AFFX-DapX-3_at 0.6447687
AFFX-LysX-5_at 0.5678568
AFFX-LysX-M_at 0.7504196
AFFX-LysX-3_at 0.89213514
AFFX-PheX-5_at 0.38140488
AFFX-PheX-M_at 0.58045006
AFFX-PheX-3_at 0.7587838
AFFX-ThrX-5_at -0.5194688
AFFX-ThrX-M_at 0.21686745

Total number of rows: 52865

Table truncated, full table size 1700 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM838994.CEL.gz 4.6 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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