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Sample GSM68781 Query DataSets for GSM68781
Status Public on Jan 10, 2006
Title 0h post-infection of THP-1 treated with 3 rounds of SCOTS, replicate 4
Sample type mixed
Channel 1
Source name 3XSCOTS cDNA obtained 0h post-infection
Organism Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi
Characteristics Salmonella typhi infection of THP-1 cells, recovered 0 h post-infection
Treatment protocol 2E7 THP-1 cells (treated with 1E-7 M phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) were infected with Salmonella typhi at a multiplicity of infection of 10:1. At time 0, cells were washed with PBS and recovered in 5 ml PBS. After centrifuation, the pellet was lysed with 2 ml TRIzol (Invitrogen).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol TRIzol reagent (Gibco BRL) was used according to the manufacturer instruction. RNA was treated with DNase (Ambion). RNA sample was converted to cDNA in 5 independent reverse-transcription reactions as described previously (Graham, J. 1999. PNAS 96:11554-559). Bacterial transcript were purified from host transcript by using 3 round of the SCOTS procedure (Daigle, F. 2002. Methods Enzymol. 358:108-122).
Label Cy5
Label protocol 1.5 µg of cDNA was labeled with Cy5-dCTP (GE Healthcare) by random priming with Klenow (New England Biolabs) as previously described (Porwollik, S. 2001. Mutat Res 483:1-11.).
Channel 2
Source name Reference genomic DNA
Organism Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi
Characteristics Genomic DNA from Salmonella typhi ISP1820
Growth protocol Salmonella typhi from overnight culture in LB broth.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted by standard phenol-chloroform method (Sambrook, J, Molecular Cloning, 3rd Edition)
Label Cy3
Label protocol 1.5 µg of genomic DNA was labeled with Cy3-dCTP (GE Healthcare) by random priming with Klenow (New England Biolabs) as previously described (Porwollik, S. 2001. Mutat Res 483:1-11.).
Hybridization protocol Samples we hybridized as previously described (Porwolik, S. 2003.Nucleic Acids Res 31:1869-76)
Scan protocol Slide was scanned with Scan Array Lite (Perkin-Elmer) using Scan Array Express 2.1 software.
Description This sample was used to analyse the expression profiles of Salmonella typhi during infection of human macrophages (THP-1)
Data processing After backgroud correction and total intensity normalization, ratio to reference were calculated and log base 2 transformed.
Submission date Aug 09, 2005
Last update date Jan 10, 2006
Contact name Sébastien P Faucher
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 514-343-6111 #3135
Fax 514-343-5701
Organization name University of Montreal
Department Microbiology and Immunology
Street address C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre-Ville
City Montreal
State/province QUEBEC
ZIP/Postal code H3C 3J7
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL1835
Series (1)
GSE3096 Expression profiles of Salmonella typhi inside human macrophages (THP-1) compared to supernatant

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Number
X_LOCATION X-coordinate of spot
Y_LOCATION Y-coordinate of spot
CH1_MEAN Channel 1 mean
CH1_BKD_MEAN Channel 1 mean background
CH1_BKD_SD Channel 1 background standard deviation
CH1_DIAMETER Channel 1 diameter
CH1_AREA Channel 1 area
CH1_FOOTPRINT Channel 1 footprint
CH1_CIRCULARITY Channel 1 circularity
CH1_SPOT_UNIFORMITY Channel 1 spot uniformity
CH1_BKD_UNIFORMITY Channel 1 background uniformity
CH1_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO Channel 1 signal to noise ratio
CH1_CONFIDENCE Channel 1 confidence
CH2_MEAN Channel 2 mean
CH2_BKD_MEAN Channel 2 mean background
CH2_SD Channel 2 standard deviation
CH2_BKD_SD Channel 2 background standard deviation
CH2_DIAMETER Channel 2 diameter
CH2_AREA Channel 2 area
CH2_FOOTPRINT Channel 2 footprint
CH2_SPOT_UNIFORMITY Channel 2 spot uniformity
CH2_BKD_UNIFORMITY Channel 2 background uniformity
CH2_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO Channel 2 signal to noise ratio
CH2_CONFIDENCE Channel 2 confidence
CH1_DIAMETER_FILTER Channel 1 diameter filter
CH1_AREA_FILTER Channel 1 area filter
CH1_CIRCULARITY_FILTER Channel 1 circularity filter
CH1_SPOT_UNIFORMITY_FILTER Channel 1 spot uniformity filter
CH1_BKD_UNIFORMITY_FILTER Channel 1 background uniformity filter
CH1_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO_FILTER Channel 1 signal to noise ratio filter
CH2_DIAMETER_FILTER Channel 2 diameter filter
CH2_AREA_FILTER Channel 2 area filter
CH2_CIRCULARITY_FILTER Channel 2 circularity filter
CH2_SPOT_UNIFORMITY_FILTER Channel 2 spot uniformity filter
CH2_BKD_UNIFORMITY_FILTER Channel 2 background uniformity filter
CH2_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO_FILTER Channel 2 signal to noise ratio filter
IGNORE_FILTER Ignore filter
CH1_BKD_CORR Channel 1 background correlation
CH2_BKD_CORR Channel 2 background correlation
CH1%_OF_TOTAL Channel 1 % of total
CH2%_OF_TOTAL Channel 2 % of total
PRE-VALUE ch1 % of total / ch2 % of total
VALUE log base 2 of ch1 % of total / ch2 % of total

Data table
1 1090 2900 1483.734863 4.411765 1305.528809 22.719072 177.33873 21500 5.279895 0.941208 0.971359 0.999176 65.307898 0.859384 5381.117188 142.014709 5835.609863 203.687531 193.969681 29000 5.279895 0.97697 0.873222 0.994652 26.418491 0.829146 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1479.323098 5239.102479 0.010419355 0.039330222 0.264919816 -1.916372332
2 1320 2900 1247.091431 5.102941 804.074646 24.617151 157.771469 17500 6.870122 0.931257 0.980263 0.999374 50.659454 0.894961 244.852173 24.970589 190.946915 95.517281 177.876389 11500 6.870122 0.921539 0.993896 0.996788 2.563433 0.683582 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1241.98849 219.881584 0.00874773 0.001650663 5.299525846 2.405863286
3 1560 2900 67.199997 0 41.707447 0 96.408768 1000 5.279895 0.630615 0.999001 1 3.40282E+38 0.720703 161.17308 24.941177 142.270065 67.350914 171.127197 5200 5.279895 0.902276 0.996361 0.998009 2.393035 0.638143 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 67.199997 136.231903 0.000473311 0.0010227 0.462805734 -1.111521357
4 1790 2900 59.42857 3.058824 73.389046 14.849376 107.344398 700 6.870122 0.717315 0.998444 0.999565 4.002092 0.757101 131.863632 30.808823 133.486099 107.939209 178.055252 4400 6.870122 0.930219 0.995956 0.997536 1.221647 0.325773 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 56.369746 101.054809 0.000397031 0.000758624 0.523356223 -0.934134841
5 2030 2900 85.447365 0 67.172104 0 148.415115 3800 5.279895 0.855144 0.998116 1 3.40282E+38 0.862355 366.636993 15.441176 259.251923 48.788113 184.895889 14600 5.279895 0.956434 0.992401 0.998749 7.514884 0.845644 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 85.447365 351.195817 0.000601834 0.002636446 0.228274626 -2.131157588
6 2260 2890 75.85714 0.75 68.377106 5.100117 124.633568 2100 15.8803 0.831334 0.997864 0.999924 14.873607 0.804635 204.828278 6.382353 184.666946 37.201359 172.608841 9900 15.8803 0.922268 0.994461 0.998764 5.505935 0.866772 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 75.10714 198.445925 0.000529004 0.001489744 0.355097275 -1.493713804
7 2490 2900 1097.114624 5.132353 756.192871 37.712543 147.98555 15700 10.794436 0.909874 0.981293 0.999695 29.091504 0.912754 763.585388 23.529411 608.490845 72.015434 175.715866 16400 10.794436 0.948324 0.983734 0.99736 10.60308 0.862335 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1091.982271 740.055977 0.007691187 0.00555564 1.384392753 0.469253295
8 2720 2900 958.767883 0.676471 615.806641 3.918731 157.367447 16800 15.357121 0.908603 0.985092 0.999832 244.662849 0.895696 553.975281 13.117647 429.13562 45.260944 171.684311 16200 15.357121 0.945358 0.988441 0.998199 12.239587 0.869665 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 958.091412 540.857634 0.00674815 0.004060247 1.662004838 0.732924582
9 2960 2900 0 0.661765 0 5.457052 0 0 10.794436 0 0 1 0 0 111.63636 18.117647 99.472931 65.768372 168.31395 3300 10.794436 0.906031 0.996689 0.998032 1.697417 0.452645 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 -0.661765 93.518713 -4.66103E-06 0.00070205 -0.006639167
10 3190 2900 85.303032 0 73.243378 0 131.5905 3300 15.357121 0.80582 0.997421 1 3.40282E+38 0.845379 735.593933 15.897058 508.747742 62.838135 179.302277 16500 15.357121 0.947364 0.984184 0.99836 11.706171 0.855814 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 85.303032 719.696875 0.000600817 0.005402803 0.111204702 -3.168710302
11 3420 2900 2085.756104 4.794117 1662.93457 18.788342 173.34491 20500 20.128647 0.956711 0.963829 0.999359 111.013316 0.866646 586.993347 16.147058 442.562195 51.939766 181.77066 15000 20.128647 0.939254 0.986526 0.998268 11.301425 0.851326 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2080.961987 570.846289 0.014656894 0.004285374 3.420213881 1.774086546
12 3660 2900 264.158325 0.867647 180.055176 5.466054 146.472153 12000 15.357121 0.838693 0.994667 0.99987 48.327061 0.892462 904.078308 18.308823 637.653992 57.973297 181.42009 16600 15.357121 0.940112 0.982948 0.998306 15.594737 0.851963 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 263.290678 885.769485 0.001854442 0.006649519 0.27888366 -1.842264689
13 3890 2900 1272.738159 4.5 955.01062 23.126196 166.794159 19100 20.128647 0.924034 0.978561 0.999046 55.03448 0.878556 839.395081 21.308823 553.310486 87.739311 179.302277 16200 20.128647 0.932581 0.9842 0.997978 9.566921 0.855814 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1268.238159 818.086258 0.008932615 0.006141417 1.454487586 0.540510983
14 4130 2910 105.88636 1.897059 75.17057 10.520967 148.415115 4400 15.19394 0.847826 0.997803 0.999664 10.064319 0.882727 502.429474 22.25 395.760071 78.999413 179.479706 15600 15.19394 0.940993 0.989204 0.997551 6.359914 0.855491 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 103.989301 480.179474 0.000732431 0.003604733 0.203185807 -2.299128466
15 4370 2910 62.388889 2.220588 65.340988 18.31144 157.569595 3600 10.56099 0.850331 0.997437 1 3.407099 0.815058 146.89473 6.102941 123.855583 30.881159 159.776276 3800 10.56099 0.870258 0.996605 0.99897 4.756775 0.852 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60.168301 140.791789 0.000423785 0.001056931 0.400957851 -1.318477509
16 4600 2910 233.815125 2.529412 145.153564 19.0987 136.34259 11900 15.19394 0.865744 0.995857 0.999886 12.242463 0.910496 964.050659 6.705883 683.859497 23.960825 172.054718 15800 15.19394 0.931038 0.981842 0.999191 40.234452 0.868991 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 231.285713 957.344776 0.001629021 0.007186838 0.226667229 -2.141352272
17 4830 2900 746.695374 4.823529 375.618378 21.737883 151.38797 15100 20.128647 0.907636 0.98864 0.999466 34.349959 0.906567 732.808411 8.529411 519.0354 41.946472 175.896927 16700 20.128647 0.945125 0.985138 0.998726 17.470084 0.862006 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 741.871845 724.279 0.005225245 0.005437201 0.961017501 -0.057365391
18 5070 2910 0 3.367647 0 20.951191 0 0 15.19394 0 0 0.999466 0 0 128.92308 13.882353 117.222549 58.77951 169.820145 3900 15.19394 0.907042 0.996201 0.998024 2.193334 0.584889 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 -3.367647 115.040727 -2.37194E-05 0.000863617 -0.02746523
19 5310 2910 788.954529 0.058824 532.229858 0.485071 141.160202 13200 10.56099 0.868147 0.985291 1 1626.471456 0.912098 493.56955 5.867647 425.850739 21.196243 176.619293 15100 10.56099 0.907536 0.989113 0.999329 23.285709 0.860692 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 788.895705 487.701903 0.00555645 0.003661204 1.517656345 0.601845146
20 1080 3130 148.689194 0 110.253372 0 127.661545 7400 13.928839 0.858926 0.997116 1 3.40282E+38 0.905951 179.64151 15.779411 168.982025 60.405556 173.894928 5300 13.928839 0.914234 0.995422 0.998207 2.973924 0.793046 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 148.689194 163.862099 0.001047266 0.001230122 0.851352065 -0.232172232

Total number of rows: 5776

Table truncated, full table size 1838 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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