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Sample GSM661086 Query DataSets for GSM661086
Status Public on Dec 31, 2011
Title Blood genomic DNA in patient with gastric cancer HRGC-38
Sample type genomic
Source name Blood DNA in patient with gastric cancer
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics disease state: gastric cancer
gender: male
tissue: blood
tsi, raw drug sensitivity: 56
tsi.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
fu, raw drug sensitivity: 40
fu.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
oxa, raw drug sensitivity: 10
oxa.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
dtax, raw drug sensitivity: 11
dtax.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
cdp, raw drug sensitivity: 5
cdp.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
tax, raw drug sensitivity: 56
tax.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
saha, raw drug sensitivity: 21
saha.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
pxd, raw drug sensitivity: 7
pxd.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
cg2, raw drug sensitivity: 49
cg2.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples using the Qiagen DNeasy Kit according to standard instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The fragmented DNA was labeled using DNA Labeling Reagent and TdT enzyme for 4.25 hours at 37℃.)
Hybridization protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The labeled DNA was hybridized to a Genomic-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 for 16-18 hours in a rotating oven at 50℃ and 60 rpm.)
Scan protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The SNP Array 6.0 was scanned with the Affymetirx GeneChip Scanner 3000 using Affymetrix GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS; version 1.4))
Data processing Standard Affymetrix protocol (Signal intensity data was analyzed by the Dynamic Model (DM) algorithm. A contrast QC of greater than or equal to 0.4 should be used to determine whether a sample should be repeated or used for downstream ananlysis.)
Standard Affymetrix protocol (Genotypes were called by the Affymetrix Genotyping Console Software (GTC; version 3.0.1) based on the Birdseed version 2 algorithm.
Submission date Jan 25, 2011
Last update date Dec 31, 2011
Contact name Tae-Wook Kang
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name KRIBB
Street address 111 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu
City daejeon
ZIP/Postal code 305-334
Country South Korea
Platform ID GPL6801
Series (1)
GSE26853 SNP data from blood DNAs of patients with gastric cancer

Data table header descriptions

Data table
SNP_A-2131660 AB 0.006945 AB 1799.213135 1797.723633
SNP_A-1967418 BB 0.013425 BB 408.287201 674.147766
SNP_A-1969580 BB 0.004913 BB 1000.078796 3529.068604
SNP_A-4263484 AB 0.003502 AB 1493.738281 1037.566284
SNP_A-1978185 AB 0.010060 AB 1023.780884 1574.023926
SNP_A-4264431 BB 0.003265 BB 497.850647 1461.299072
SNP_A-1980898 AB 0.003257 AB 939.477844 755.037415
SNP_A-1983139 AA 0.001928 AA 1508.604370 575.642395
SNP_A-4265735 AB 0.002611 AB 990.674438 1061.124878
SNP_A-1995832 AB 0.004983 AB 1646.448486 1242.897705
SNP_A-1995893 AB 0.003852 AB 1587.375732 1697.632690
SNP_A-1997689 BB 0.008086 BB 640.095947 2946.760254
SNP_A-1997709 AA 0.001893 AA 1286.811157 286.259308
SNP_A-1997896 AA 0.006744 AA 2180.758789 518.383179
SNP_A-1997922 AB 0.009024 AB 956.592590 898.815247
SNP_A-2000230 AA 0.010770 AA 1820.585571 1137.931396
SNP_A-2000332 AB 0.012597 AB 1640.523315 1786.459106
SNP_A-2000337 AA 0.006012 AA 930.719055 248.790680
SNP_A-2000342 AA 0.001135 AA 2429.194824 781.490540
SNP_A-4268173 AA 0.001764 AA 1315.507935 291.205353

Total number of rows: 909622

Table truncated, full table size 46152 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM661086_HRGC-38.CEL.gz 29.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM661086_HRGC-38.birdseed-v2.chp.gz 12.8 Mb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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