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Sample GSM661066 Query DataSets for GSM661066
Status Public on Dec 31, 2011
Title Blood genomic DNA in patient with gastric cancer HRGC-14
Sample type genomic
Source name Blood DNA in patient with gastric cancer
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics disease state: gastric cancer
gender: male
tissue: blood
tsi, raw drug sensitivity: 9
tsi.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
fu, raw drug sensitivity: 4
fu.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 1
oxa, raw drug sensitivity: 34
oxa.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
dtax, raw drug sensitivity: 42
dtax.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
cdp, raw drug sensitivity: 67
cdp.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
tax, raw drug sensitivity: 42
tax.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
saha, raw drug sensitivity: 45
saha.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
pxd, raw drug sensitivity: 67
pxd.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
cg2, raw drug sensitivity: 31
cg2.30, binary data (i.e. >= 30 or < 30) at 30% cutoff: 2
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples using the Qiagen DNeasy Kit according to standard instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The fragmented DNA was labeled using DNA Labeling Reagent and TdT enzyme for 4.25 hours at 37℃.)
Hybridization protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The labeled DNA was hybridized to a Genomic-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 for 16-18 hours in a rotating oven at 50℃ and 60 rpm.)
Scan protocol Standard Affymetrix protocol (The SNP Array 6.0 was scanned with the Affymetirx GeneChip Scanner 3000 using Affymetrix GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS; version 1.4))
Data processing Standard Affymetrix protocol (Signal intensity data was analyzed by the Dynamic Model (DM) algorithm. A contrast QC of greater than or equal to 0.4 should be used to determine whether a sample should be repeated or used for downstream ananlysis.)
Standard Affymetrix protocol (Genotypes were called by the Affymetrix Genotyping Console Software (GTC; version 3.0.1) based on the Birdseed version 2 algorithm.
Submission date Jan 25, 2011
Last update date Dec 31, 2011
Contact name Tae-Wook Kang
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name KRIBB
Street address 111 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu
City daejeon
ZIP/Postal code 305-334
Country South Korea
Platform ID GPL6801
Series (1)
GSE26853 SNP data from blood DNAs of patients with gastric cancer

Data table header descriptions

Data table
SNP_A-2131660 AB 0.000384 AB 1550.490356 1555.584595
SNP_A-1967418 BB 0.009727 BB 289.770111 693.140503
SNP_A-1969580 BB 0.003896 BB 1039.232056 3546.266357
SNP_A-4263484 BB 0.004795 BB 469.477203 1271.708008
SNP_A-1978185 AA 0.001154 AA 1322.498169 335.169006
SNP_A-4264431 AB 0.004986 AB 1288.592407 934.105408
SNP_A-1980898 AB 0.001198 AB 870.202576 780.513916
SNP_A-1983139 AB 0.000538 AB 944.453796 740.743591
SNP_A-4265735 AA 0.001918 AA 1331.780518 453.890106
SNP_A-1995832 AB 0.000228 AB 1766.437012 1467.707031
SNP_A-1995893 AB 0.003290 AB 1352.827759 1543.482422
SNP_A-1997689 BB 0.001283 BB 666.124146 2611.506104
SNP_A-1997709 AA 0.001857 AA 1370.558716 266.405243
SNP_A-1997896 AB 0.001764 AB 1323.853149 2009.154419
SNP_A-1997922 AA 0.002061 AA 1082.728394 281.979645
SNP_A-2000230 AA 0.005263 AA 1642.975342 1201.885620
SNP_A-2000332 AA 0.002457 AA 2516.721924 781.995239
SNP_A-2000337 AA 0.093558 AA 1222.117065 491.357422
SNP_A-2000342 AA 0.003861 AA 2495.165527 733.311157
SNP_A-4268173 AA 0.003196 AA 1216.618774 246.226959

Total number of rows: 909622

Table truncated, full table size 46151 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM661066_HRGC-14.CEL.gz 30.6 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM661066_HRGC-14.birdseed-v2.chp.gz 12.9 Mb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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