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Sample GSM61900 Query DataSets for GSM61900
Status Public on Aug 08, 2005
Title DCV_48h_rep_c
Sample type RNA
Source name entire body
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics Strain: Oregon R
Biomaterial provider UPR9022 - CNRS
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Samples of 45 flies were ground to a fine powder were ground to a fine powder using matched glass pestle and grinder, followed by the immediate addition of 600 µl of RNeasy lysis buffer (QIAGEN, Courtaboeuf, France). After initial tissue disruption, total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy system, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol For each experimental type, three biologically independent samples were used. Biotinylated RNA was produced and hybridized to Affymetrix Drosophila GeneChip microarrays (Part Number 510548; Affymetrix, Santa Clara, USA) according to the method published in Irving et al, 2001.
Description Analytic steps were performed using the programs within Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0 (Affymetrix) or Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) with a combination of built in functions and custom formulae. The raw data were sorted using the Absent/Marginal/Present flags generated by the Microarray Suite functions. Whilst an Absent might indicate that there was no mRNA of particular type present in a sample, Marginal and Absent flags may indicate problems with the hybridisation, therefore only data points marked as present were retained.
Data processing The remaining data mass for each microarray was then normalised to itself, making the median of all the present measurements one. The subsequent analysis of results was carried out on the genes present in all three replicates of a sample type.
Submission date Jun 20, 2005
Last update date Aug 08, 2005
Contact name Jean-Luc Imler
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name CNRS
Department IBMC
Lab UPR9022
Street address 2, Allée Konrad Roentgen
City Strasbourg Cedex
ZIP/Postal code 67084
Country France
Platform ID GPL72
Series (1)
GSE2828 The Jak-STAT signaling pathway is required but not sufficient for the antiviral response of drosophila

Data table header descriptions
VALUE DCV injection at 48h, replicate c, normalized value
DETECTION P-VALUE DCV injection at 48h, replicate c, p-value
ABS_CALL DCV injection at 48h, replicate c, flag

Data table
141200_at 0.23486505 0.64403254 A
141201_at 0.082421586 0.5901528 A
141202_at 0.8147337 0.90426695 P
141203_at 0.44201308 0.7274478 P
141204_at 0.6039387 0.80057544 A
141205_at 0.242159 0.64676887 A
141206_at 1.1363968 0.9292757 P
141207_at 0.12910284 0.6059885 A
141208_at 2.9759297 0.3527704 P
141209_at 0.35083878 0.689281 P
141210_at 0.16338438 0.61798763 A
141211_at 0.25893506 0.65311813 A
141212_at 4.063457 0.24175905 P
141213_at 0.20568927 0.6332333 A
141214_at 1.7366885 0.6547873 P
141215_at 1.3938731 0.8016071 P
141216_at 0.5091174 0.7569554 M
141217_at 1.5696571 0.7224371 P
141218_at 1.2873814 0.85303867 P
141219_at 0.28884023 0.66462916 P

Total number of rows: 14010

Table truncated, full table size 452 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM61900.CEL.gz 2.6 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM61900.EXP.gz 381 b (ftp)(http) EXP

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