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Sample GSM542387 Query DataSets for GSM542387
Status Public on Nov 11, 2010
Title MG1363 versus NZ9000 in CDM
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name MG1363
Organism Lactococcus cremoris subsp. cremoris MG1363
Characteristics culture medium: CDM
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated from two replicate cultures of both L. lactis ΔlmrCD and cholate-adapted L. lactis ΔlmrCDR. Cultures were grown at 30 ºC in GM17 medium and cells were harvested at the OD660 of ~ 1.RNA was isolated and purified using the High Pure RNA isolation kit (Roche diagnostics) as described (PMID: 17085554). Contaminating genomic DNA was removed by treatment with RNase-free DNase I (Roche diagnostics). Synthesis, subsequent labeling of cDNA, and microarray hybridization was performed as described (PMID: 17085554 and 15907200). In all cases, dye-swapping was performed.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Synthesis of cDNA and indirect Cy-3/Cy-5-dCTPs labeling of 15–20 µg of total RNA was performed with the CyScribe Post labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences) according to the supplier's instructions.
Channel 2
Source name NZ9000
Organism Lactococcus cremoris subsp. cremoris NZ9000
Characteristics culture medium: CDM
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated from two replicate cultures of both L. lactis ΔlmrCD and cholate-adapted L. lactis ΔlmrCDR. Cultures were grown at 30 ºC in GM17 medium and cells were harvested at the OD660 of ~ 1.RNA was isolated and purified using the High Pure RNA isolation kit (Roche diagnostics) as described (PMID: 17085554). Contaminating genomic DNA was removed by treatment with RNase-free DNase I (Roche diagnostics). Synthesis, subsequent labeling of cDNA, and microarray hybridization was performed as described (PMID: 17085554 and 15907200). In all cases, dye-swapping was performed.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Synthesis of cDNA and indirect Cy-3/Cy-5-dCTPs labeling of 15–20 µg of total RNA was performed with the CyScribe Post labeling kit (Amersham Biosciences) according to the supplier's instructions.
Hybridization protocol Hybridization (16 h at 45 °C) of labeled cDNA was performed in Ambion Slidehyb #1 hybridization buffer (Ambion Europe) on superamine glass slides (Array-It; SMMBC), containing technical replicates.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned using the Genepix 4200AL DNA micro array slide scanner.
Quantification of the signal of the spots on slides was done with ArrayPro 4.5.
Description Hybridization of strain MG1363 and NZ9000 grown in CDM
Data processing Slide data were processed by using MicroPreP as described previously (10). Prior to the analysis, automatically and manually flagged spots and spots with very low background-subtracted signal intensities (5% of the weakest spots [sum of Cy3 and Cy5 net signals]) were filtered out. Net signal intensities were calculated by using grid-based background subtraction. In postprep, negative and empty values were eliminated, and outliers were removed by the deviation test. Differential expression tests were performed by using a Cyber-T Student's t test for paired data (19).
Submission date May 10, 2010
Last update date Nov 11, 2010
Contact name Anne de Jong
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +31 50 363 2047
Organization name university of Groningen
Department Molecular Genetics
Street address Nijenborgh 7
City Groningen
ZIP/Postal code 9747 AG
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL5048
Series (1)
GSE21759 Genome Sequences of Lactococcus lactis MG1363 (Revised) and NZ9000 and Comparative Physiological Studies

Data table header descriptions
VALUE LN average (NZ9000/MG1363) ratios
Fold Average fold change
Bayes.p Bayes p-value derived from CyberT

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Fold Bayes.p
llmg_0001_dnaA_MG1065_a 0.00 -1.00 9.79E-01
llmg_0002_dnaN_MG1066_a -0.10 -1.11 1.47E-01
llmg_0003_rexB_MG1068_a 0.26 1.30 5.05E-03
llmg_0004_rexA_MG1069_a 0.34 1.40 1.24E-03
llmg_0005_llmg_0005_MG150026_a 0.09 1.10 2.92E-01
llmg_0006_llmg_0006_MG1071_a -0.03 -1.03 7.60E-01
llmg_0007_llmg_0007_MG1072_a -0.17 -1.19 2.66E-02
llmg_0008_llmg_0008_MG150235_a -0.48 -1.61 2.74E-04
llmg_0009_llmg_0009_mg13950s_a -0.04 -1.04 7.76E-01
llmg_0011_llmg_0011_MG945_a 0.52 1.68 1.91E-03
llmg_0012_pth_mg7284_a 0.35 1.42 4.52E-02
llmg_0013_mfd_MG948_a 0.39 1.48 2.68E-03
llmg_0015_llmg_0015_mg7288_a 0.02 1.02 8.24E-01
llmg_0016_llmg_0016_mg7289_a 0.06 1.07 5.23E-01
llmg_0017_llmg_0017_mg7291_a 0.13 1.14 3.86E-02
llmg_0018_llmg_0018_MG954_a 0.27 1.31 2.91E-02
llmg_0019_mesJ_MG955_a 0.24 1.28 3.88E-02
llmg_0020_hpt_MG956_a -0.10 -1.11 2.11E-01
llmg_0021_ftsH_MG957_a 0.05 1.06 5.24E-01
llmg_0021_ftsH_MG958_a 0.09 1.10 1.34E-01

Total number of rows: 2544

Table truncated, full table size 114 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM542387_185390.slide.txt.gz 191.9 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSM542387_185395.slide.txt.gz 189.9 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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