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Sample GSM3261928 Query DataSets for GSM3261928
Status Public on Jun 20, 2019
Title A17 Rhizobia 6hr Control Replicate 3
Sample type RNA
Source name 18 day old A17 Medicago roots, rhizobia-inoculated, 6hr control treated
Organism Medicago truncatula
Characteristics genotype: A17
tissue: root
Treatment protocol At dawn on day 14 post inoculation (14 dpi) roots were treated with 2ml liquid MFM supplemented with 5mM NH4NO3 (nitrogen-replete treatment) or liquid MFM supplemented with 0.1mM NH4NO3 (nitrogen-deplete treatment) then sampled at 2hr, 6hr or samples were taken at the point of treatment 0hr.
Growth protocol Seeds were germinated then grown for 4 days on 0.8% agar-modified nitrogen-free Fahräeus medium (MFM) plates before being mock- or rhizobia inoculated with 2mL of OD600=0.02 of Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 overnight culture. Plants were grown for a further 14 days before treating. All plant growth was in long day (16hr light/8hr dark) constant 25 oC conditions in a Sanyo growth chamber (MLR251).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Root samples were harvested then total RNA extracted using the Qiagen plant RNeasy kit. Total RNA samples were then treated with the TURBO DNA-free kit (Life Technologies) to remove residual DNA.
Label Cy3
Label protocol cDNA was synthesised from RNA using the Ovation Pico WTA System (NuGEN Technologies Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA) and purified using Qiagen Qiaquick PCR purification kit. dscDNA was labelled with Cy3 using the Nimblegen one-color DNA labeling kit.
Hybridization protocol Following fragmentation, 4 ug of cRNA was hybridized for 16 hr at 42oC on a NimbleGen hybridization station.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned using an MS 200 microarray scanner and associated NimbleGen software using only the 480 nm laser with gain calculated using the autogain feature of NimbleScan, based on a representative region of the slide (an area covering around half an array found to have average intensity based on a prescan at lower resolution), as per manufacturer’s instructions. Grids were aligned automatically to each microarray image and manually verified, ensuring reference spots in each corner and in the centre of the array were aligned to the grid and the alignment score minimised.
Description NimbleGen gene expression array data for custom-design array based on the Medicago truncatula v3.5 genome
Data processing Data were obtained using NimbleScan and normalised by robust multichip averaging (RMA) (quantile normalisation, taking into account outlier probes per gene) and summarised to gene level by median polish.
Submission date Jul 09, 2018
Last update date Jun 20, 2019
Contact name Miriam Gifford
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 02476575268
Organization name University of Warwick
Department School of Life Sciences
Lab Gifford lab
Street address Gibbet Hill Road
City Coventry
ZIP/Postal code CV4 7AL
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL25305
Series (1)
GSE116789 Regulation of resource partitioning coordinates lateral root and nodule development in the legume Medicago truncatula

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA normalized expression values. NOTE - subsequently we detemined which genes in the Mt4.0 annotation version were measured with this array; thus both Mt3.5 ad Mt4.0 annotation IDs are given in the matrix table.

Data table
AC130806_10.1 10.73957837
AC130806_11.1 4.985628975
AC130806_12.1 5.969095991
AC130806_13.1 8.382895078
AC130806_15.1 6.567190221
AC130806_17.1 5.578953043
AC130806_19.1 5.673656005
AC130806_23.1 5.903626368
AC130806_24.1 9.750195632
AC130806_26.1 10.22360459
AC130806_27.1 8.378699762
AC130806_28.1 5.967934945
AC130806_31.1 6.703894692
AC130806_5.1 4.923132462
AC130806_6.1 10.63874401
AC130806_9.1 11.50969854
AC135504_21.1 10.58391079
AC135504_5.1 6.26383223
AC137826_1.1 5.497432772
AC137826_10.1 5.555678329

Total number of rows: 45223

Table truncated, full table size 1225 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM3261928_A17-Rhizobia-6hrControl-Rep3.xys.gz 780.5 Kb (ftp)(http) XYS
Processed data included within Sample table

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