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Sample GSM297591 Query DataSets for GSM297591
Status Public on May 13, 2009
Title GCEucXylem_TimeSeries_Slide12
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name GCEucXylem_15:00
Organism Eucalyptus camaldulensis x Eucalyptus grandis
Characteristics Light scrapings of differentiating xylem tissue. Collected from three year old Eucalyptus grandis x E. camaldulensis clone from 1-2m above ground level. Collected at 15:00.
Biomaterial provider SAPPI Forests
Treatment protocol Stored at -80C
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol CTAB method of Zeng and Yang (2002)
Label Cy3
Label protocol aminoallyl labeled cDNA was prepared from 15ug total RNA using SuperScript III RT primed with random hexamers. cDNA was purified and labelled with Cy3, and excess dye removed using a Qiagen PCR Purification Kit as in TIGR protocol #M0004.
Channel 2
Source name GCEucXylem_22:00
Organism Eucalyptus camaldulensis x Eucalyptus grandis
Characteristics Light scrapings of differentiating xylem tissue. Collected from three year old Eucalyptus grandis x E. camaldulensis clone from 1-2m above ground level. Collected at 22:00.
Biomaterial provider SAPPI Forests
Treatment protocol Stored at -80C
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol CTAB method of Zeng and Yang (2002)
Label Cy5
Label protocol aminoallyl labeled cDNA was prepared from 15ug total RNA using SuperScript III RT primed with random hexamers. cDNA was purified and labelled with Cy5, and excess dye removed using a Qiagen PCR Purification Kit as in TIGR protocol #M0004.
Hybridization protocol Equal quantities of dye were mixed for each channel and dried in a vacuum centrifuge. Dried probes were resuspended in 60ul of hyb buffer (50%formamide, 5xSSC, 0.5%SDS, 5x Denhardt's solution, 0.5ug/ul poly d(A) and 0.5ug/ul calf thymus DNA). Denaturation for 3mins at 95C, cooled on ice and applied to pre hybridised slide and covered with cover slip. Slides were prehybridised in a (5x SSC, 1%BSA, 0.1xSDS) solution, at 42C for 45mins. Rinsed twice in water and once in isopropanol and spun dry. Scans were hybridised overnight in a water bath at 42C overnight. Post hyb washes were once in (1xSSC, 0.2%SDS at 42C) once in (0.1xSSC, 0.2%SDS at room temp) and three times in (0.1%SDS at room temp). Slides were dried and scanned within the hour.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned on a Genepix™ 4000B scanner (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA). Laser and photomultiplier settings were adjusted to obtain a signal ratio of 1:1 between the two dyes. Image analysis was performed with GenePix Pro 5.0 (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA). Intensities were calculated for each spot, and spots affected by dust specks or high local background were manually flagged and removed from subsequent analysis.
Description NA
Data processing Raw signal intensity values (not background corrected) for each channel were transformed (log2) and the four replicate spots for each target on a single slide were averaged. The ratio of the transformed and averaged Cy3 and Cy5 values was then computed for each target.
Submission date Jun 10, 2008
Last update date May 13, 2009
Contact name Owen Luke Solomon
Organization name University of Pretoria
Department Genetics
Lab Forest Molecular Genetics
Street address Lab 6-20, Agricultural Building, University of Pretoria, Lynwood Rd
City Pretoria
State/province Gauteng
ZIP/Postal code 0002
Country South Africa
Platform ID GPL6942
Series (1)
GSE11731 Eucalyptus xylem diurnal time series

Data table header descriptions
Genotype Genotype of the hybrid clone
TIMEPOINT CY3 Timepoint in series labelled with Cy3
TIMEPOINT CY5 Timepoint in series labelled with Cy5
CY3 LOG2 Log2 of raw intensity measured with channel Cy3
CY5 LOG2 Log2 of raw intensity measured with channel Cy5
VALUE log2 ratio (Log2Cy3 / Log2Cy5)
RATIO Ratio of Log2Cy3 / Log2Cy5

Data table
1 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 8.38 7.79 0.1064 1.076503491
2 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.23 9.94 0.0419 1.02946939
3 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.76 9.73 0.0048 1.003330549
4 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.79 10.66 0.0172 1.012018441
5 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.37 10.06 0.0435 1.030623972
6 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 11.50 11.86 -0.0436 0.970241574
7 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.66 9.42 0.0361 1.025364618
8 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7
9 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 8.61 8.02 0.1021 1.073356616
10 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.17 9.40 -0.0354 0.975750822
11 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.16 9.96 0.0293 1.02050365
12 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.52 10.77 -0.0338 0.976814361
13 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 11.55 11.18 0.0469 1.033024613
14 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.34 8.89 0.0716 1.050854601
15 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.52 10.50 0.0034 1.002387564
16 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 8.81 8.75 0.0100 1.006980567
17 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.91 10.48 0.0582 1.041171779
18 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.12 8.85 0.0432 1.030414582
19 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 9.29 9.59 -0.0462 0.968514744
20 Eucalyptus grandis x E. Camaldulensis 5 7 10.55 10.26 0.0409 1.028726349

Total number of rows: 2608

Table truncated, full table size 192 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM297591.gpr.gz 978.9 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data are available on Series record

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