Cell line was derived from a primary melanoma tumor located in a non-CSD body site.
Extracted molecule
genomic DNA
Extraction protocol
As per manufacturers protocol using QIAGEN QIamp DNA Blood Maxi Kit
C-Bio and A-DNP
Label protocol
The Infinium II assay was done using Illumina Sentrix HumanHap300 genotyping BeadChip arrays (317K, TagSNP Phase I, v1.1) according to the manufacturer's specifications (Illumina, San Diego, CA). Briefly, 750 ng of genomic DNA were amplified at 37°C overnight, using solutions WG-AMM and WG-MP1. After overnight incubation, the amplified DNA was fragmented using WG-FRG and precipitated with isopropanol after the addition of WG-PA1.
Hybridization protocol
The dried precipitated pellet was then resuspended in WG-RA1 and hybridized to a beadchip along with WG-RA1 and formamide. The arrays were then incubated overnight at 48°C, after which they underwent single-base extension on a Teflow chamber rack system (Tecan, Männedorf, Switzerland) using WG-XC1, WG-XC2, and WG-TEM.
Scan protocol
After the single-base extension step, the beadchips were stained with WG-LTM and WG-ATM, dried for 1 h, then imaged using a BeadArray Reader (Illumina).
The 76 melanoma cell lines used in this study were derived from primary cutaneous melanomas or melanoma metastases.
Data processing
Image data was analyzed using Beadstudio 2.0 (Illumina). All genomic positions were based upon hg17 from the UCSC Genome Browser.