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Sample GSM2128226 Query DataSets for GSM2128226
Status Public on Oct 06, 2016
Title root_OBP4_rep2
Sample type RNA
Source name OBP4 overexpressing roots
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Characteristics tissue: roots
genotype/variation: pER8::OBP4
Treatment protocol pER8::GFP (control) and pER8::OBP4 (treatment) Arabidopsis seedlings were grown in half strench MS medium for 5 days and then transferred to half strench MS medium with 10 µM of estradiol for 8 hours.
Growth protocol pER8::GFP and pER8::OBP4 Arabidopsis seedlings were grwon in half strench MS medium for 5 days and then transferred to half strench MS medium with 10 µM of estradiol for 8 hours. Seedlings were grown in a 16 hour light/8 hours dark photoperiod and with a llight intensity of 75 umoles/m2 seg.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated from roots using the Trizol (Lifetechnologies) following the company procedure. This isolated RNA was then purified using the Quiagen RNA isolation kit.
Label Cy3
Label protocol cDNA was generated with 10 μg RNA using the double-stranded cDNA synthesis kit (Invitrogen), and cDNA was Cy3-labeled with the NimbleGen one-color DNA labeling kit (Roche).
Hybridization protocol Each microarray was hybridized with the NimbleGen hybridization kit, washed using the NimbleGen wash buffer kit (both from Roche)
Scan protocol Microarrays were scanned at 2-μm double-pass at 16-bit resolution
Description This sample is of roots overexpressing OBP4 for 8 hours. It is the second of three biological replicates used in this experiment, each from independent in vitro cultured plates.
Data processing Data were analyzed through robust multiarray analysis with NimbleGen Scan software (Roche).
Submission date Apr 20, 2016
Last update date Oct 06, 2016
Contact name Juan Carlos del Pozo
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas
Department Biotechnology
Lab 180
Street address Campus de Montegancedo, UPM
City Pozuelo de Alracon
State/province Madrid
ZIP/Postal code 28223
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL13970
Series (1)
GSE80486 OBP4 modifies root growth, cell elongation and callus formation

Data table header descriptions

Data table
AT1G01010_1 14.91
AT1G01020_1 8.88
AT1G01020_2 8.72
AT1G01030_1 9.47
AT1G01040_1 13.33
AT1G01046_1 10.34
AT1G01050_1 15.29
AT1G01060_1 10.68
AT1G01060_3 5.98
AT1G01070_1 13.84
AT1G01070_2 8.05
AT1G01073_1 6.34
AT1G01080_1 12.15
AT1G01080_2 12.11
AT1G01090_1 15.53
AT1G01100_1 15.36
AT1G01100_2 15.59
AT1G01100_3 15.60
AT1G01110_1 13.39
AT1G01110_2 12.92

Total number of rows: 37118

Table truncated, full table size 638 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM2128226_563765A11_OBP_Root_Estradiol_rep2.pair.gz 2.4 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
GSM2128226_563765A11_Root_OBP4_Estradiol_RMA.calls.gz 1.4 Mb (ftp)(http) CALLS
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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