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Sample GSM1974252 Query DataSets for GSM1974252
Status Public on Nov 13, 2018
Title w;tim-GAL4 (UAS)/+ control, biological replicate 4 (CTR7)
Sample type RNA
Source name control_adult flies_brain
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics genotype/variation: w;tim-GAL4 (UAS)/+
developmental stage: adult flies
time point: ZT0
tissue: brain
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted from approximately 25 flies brains for each genotype using ZR RNA MicroPrepTM (ZYMO RESEARCH) according to the manufacter's instructions. All RNA samples were checked for quality by capillary electrophoresis (RNA 6000 Nano LabChip, Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, Agilent Technologies).
Label Cy3
Label protocol 50 ng of total RNA were labeled with “Low Input Quick Amp Labeling Kit, one color” according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The synthesized cDNA was transcribed into cRNA and labeled with Cy3-dCTP. Labeled cRNA was purified with RNeasy Mini columns (Qiagen, Valecia, CA). The quality of each cRNA sample was verified by total yield and specificity calculated with NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer measurements (Nanodrop, Wilmington, DE).
Hybridization protocol 600 ng of labeled cRNA were used in each reaction and the hybridization was carried out at 65°C for 17 hours in an hybridization oven rotator (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA). The arrays were washed by Agilent Gene expression washing buffers and Stabilization and Drying Solution as suggest by the supplier.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned on an Agilent microarray scanner (model G2565CA) and Agilent Feature Extraction software version was used for image analysis.
Description Gene expression of control flies (CTRL-7).
Data processing Inter-array normalization of expression levels was performed with quantile method to correct for possible experimental distortions. A normalization function was applied to the expression data of all the experiments and the values of within-arrays replicate spots were then averaged. Feature Extraction Software, which provided spot quality measures, was used to evaluate the quality and reliability of the hybridization. In particular, the flag glsPosAndSignif (set to 1 if the spot had an intensity value significantly different from the local background and to 0 when otherwise) was used to filter out unreliable probes: the flag equal to 0 was noted as null. Probes with a high proportion of null values were removed from the dataset in order to carry out a more solid, unbiased, statistical analysis. Fifty percent of null was used as the threshold in the filtering process, and a total of 23,717 Drosophila transcripts were obtained.
Submission date Dec 17, 2015
Last update date Nov 13, 2018
Contact name Cristiano De Pitta
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +390498276210
Organization name University of Padova
Department Biology
Street address Via U. Bassi, 58/B
City Padova
ZIP/Postal code 35131
Country Italy
Platform ID GPL18767
Series (2)
GSE76099 Gene expression analysis of miR-210 over-expressing flies at ZT0.
GSE77245 Gene expression analysis of miR-210 over-expressing flies at ZT0 and ZT12

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized and averaged signal intensity.

Data table
A_09_P000016 159.04
A_09_P000021 332.58
A_09_P000026 1800.08
A_09_P000031 19.72
A_09_P000036 130.47
A_09_P000041 609.23
A_09_P000046 927.44
A_09_P000051 18.60
A_09_P000056 11.17
A_09_P000061 4.87
A_09_P000066 9.97
A_09_P000071 226.32
A_09_P000076 139.54
A_09_P000086 14.24
A_09_P000091 21.28
A_09_P000096 1026.85
A_09_P000101 29.84
A_09_P000106 33.28
A_09_P000111 137.20
A_09_P000116 628.55

Total number of rows: 23717

Table truncated, full table size 453 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1974252_CTRL-7.txt.gz 11.7 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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