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Sample GSM175765 Query DataSets for GSM175765
Status Public on Apr 20, 2007
Title tao1-D168A-DN_pole-cell_1R
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Tao1D168A-Ctrl: tao-1 dominant negative form (non-drived), pole cells from fly embryos (stage 8-14)
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics A RNA sample "Tao1D168A-Ctrl" was prepared from pole cells isolated from stage 8-14 fly embryos, which were derived from yw females mated with UAS-tao-1(D168A);EGFP-Vas male.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol We used FACS to isolate pole cells from transgenic Drosophila embryos harboring the germ-line marker EGFP-Vas.
Label Cy3
Label protocol Agilent Low RNA Input Fluorescent Linear Amplification Protocol. 100ng of total RNA was used.
Channel 2
Source name Tao1D168A-Drive: tao-1 dominant negative form (drived by nos-GAL4), pole cells from fly embryos (stage 8-14)
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics A RNA sample "Tao1D168A-Drive" was prepared from pole cells isolated from stage 8-14 fly embryos, which were derived from nosGal4:VP16/nosGal4:VP16 females mated with UAS-tao-1(D168A);EGFP-Vas males. In this line, the expression of the dominant-negative form of tao-1 is induced in a germline-specific manner.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol We used FACS to isolate pole cells from transgenic Drosophila embryos harboring the germ-line marker EGFP-Vas.
Label Cy5
Label protocol Agilent Low RNA Input Fluorescent Linear Amplification Protocol. 100ng of total RNA was used.
Hybridization protocol Agilent 60-mer oligo microarray processing protocol (SSC Wash/5-screw Hyb Chamber). See manufacturer's manual (#G4140-90010).
Scan protocol Scanned using Agilent microarray scanner (G2565BA).
Description Germ-line transcriptome of tao-1(D168A;dominant-negative form) expressing flies.
Data processing Data were extracted with Agilent Feature Extraction 7.1 Software.
Submission date Mar 19, 2007
Last update date Apr 21, 2007
Contact name Shuji Shigenobu
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +81-564-55-7670
Organization name National Institute for Basic Biology
Lab Functional Genomics Facility
Street address Nishigonaka 38, Myodaiji
City Okazaki
State/province Aichi
ZIP/Postal code 444-8585
Country Japan
Platform ID GPL4336
Series (1)
GSE7318 Overexpression of wild-type and dominant-negative form of tao-1

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Feature number
PositionX Found X coordinate of feature centroid in pixels
PositionY Found Y coordinate of feature centroid in pixels
VALUE log(REDsignal/GREENsignal) per feature (processed signals used)
LogRatioError error of the log ratio calculated according to the error model chosen
PValueLogRatio Significance level of the Log Ratio computed for a feature
gSurrogateUsed The green surrogate value used
rSurrogateUsed The red surrogate value used
gIsFound A boolean used to flag found (strong) features.The flag is applied independently in each channel. A feature is considered found if the found spot centroid is within the bounds of the spot deviation limit with respect to corresponding nominal centroid.
rIsFound A boolean used to flag found (strong) features.The flag is applied independently in each channel. A feature is considered found if the found spot centroid is within the bounds of the spot deviation limit with respect to corresponding nominal centroid.
gProcessedSignal Dye-normalized signal after surrogate algorithm, green channel, used for computation of log ratio
rProcessedSignal Dye-normalized signal after surrogate algorithm, red channel, used for computation of log ratio
gProcessedSigError Standard error of propagated feature signal, green channel
rProcessedSigError Standard error of propagated feature signal, red channel
gNumPixOLHi Number of outlier pixels per feature with intensity > upper threshold set via the pixel outlier rejection method. The number is computed independently in each channel. These pixels are omitted from all subsequent calculations.
rNumPixOLHi Number of outlier pixels per feature with intensity > upper threshold set via the pixel outlier rejection method. The number is computed independently in each channel. These pixels are omitted from all subsequent calculations.
gNumPixOLLo Number of outlier pixels per feature with intensity < lower threshold set via the pixel outlier rejection method. The number is computed independently in each channel. NOTE: The pixel outlier method is the ONLY step that removes data in Feature Extraction.
rNumPixOLLo Number of outlier pixels per feature with intensity < lower threshold set via the pixel outlier rejection method. The number is computed independently in each channel. NOTE: The pixel outlier method is the ONLY step that removes data in Feature Extraction.
gNumPix Total number of pixels used to compute feature statistics; number of inlier pixels/per spot; same in both channels
rNumPix Total number of pixels used to compute feature statistics; number of inlier pixels/per spot; same in both channels
gMeanSignal Raw mean signal of feature in green channel (inlier pixels)
rMeanSignal Raw mean signal of feature in red channel (inlier pixels)
gMedianSignal Raw median signal of feature in green channel (inlier pixels)
rMedianSignal Raw median signal of feature in red channel (inlier pixels)
gPixSDev Standard deviation of all inlier pixels per feature; this is computed independently in each channel
rPixSDev Standard deviation of all inlier pixels per feature; this is computed independently in each channel
gBGNumPix Total Number of pixels used to compute Local BG statistics per spot; number of BG inlier pixels; same in both channels
rBGNumPix Total Number of pixels used to compute Local BG statistics per spot; number of BG inlier pixels; same in both channels
gBGMeanSignal Mean local background signal (local to corresponding feature) computed per channel (inlier pixels)
rBGMeanSignal Mean local background signal (local to corresponding feature) computed per channel (inlier pixels)
gBGMedianSignal Median local background signal (local to corresponding feature) computed per channel (inlier pixels)
rBGMedianSignal Median local background signal (local to corresponding feature) computed per channel (inlier pixels)
gBGPixSDev Standard deviation of all inlier pixels per Local BG of each feature, computed independently in each channel
rBGPixSDev Standard deviation of all inlier pixels per Local BG of each feature, computed independently in each channel
gNumSatPix Total number of saturated pixels per feature, computed per channel
rNumSatPix Total number of saturated pixels per feature, computed per channel
gIsSaturated Boolean flag indicating if a feature is saturated or not
rIsSaturated Boolean flag indicating if a feature is saturated or not
PixCorrelation Ratio of estimated feature covariance in RedGreen space to product of feature Standard Deviation in Red Green space.
BGPixCorrelation Ratio of estimated background covariance in RedGreen space to product of background Standard Deviation in Red Green space.
gIsFeatNonUnifOL Boolean flag indicating if a feature is NonUniformity Outlier or not Green Channel
rIsFeatNonUnifOL Boolean flag indicating if a feature is NonUniformity Outlier or not Red Channel
gIsBGNonUnifOL Boolean flag indicating if background is NonUniformity Outlier or not Green Channel
rIsBGNonUnifOL Boolean flag indicating if background is NonUniformity Outlier or not Red Channel
gIsFeatPopnOL Boolean flag indicating if a feature is a Population Outlier or not for Green Channel. Probes with replicate features on a microarray are examined using population statistics
rIsFeatPopnOL Boolean flag indicating if a feature is a Population Outlier or not for Red Channe. Probes with replicate features on a microarray are examined using population statistics
gIsBGPopnOL Boolean flag indicating if background is a Population Outlier or not for Green Channel.
rIsBGPopnOL Boolean flag indicating if background is a Population Outlier or not for Red Channel.
IsManualFlag Manual Flag
gBGSubSignal The net g signal following the subtraction of the background from the raw mean g signal
rBGSubSignal The net r signal following the subtraction of the background from the raw mean r signal
gBGSubSigError Propagated standard error as computed on net g background subtracted signal
rBGSubSigError Propagated standard error as computed on net r background subtracted signal
BGSubSigCorrelation Ratio of estimated background subtracted feature signal covariance in RG space to product of background subtracted feature Standard Deviation in RG space
gIsPosAndSignif Boolean flag indicating if the mean signal of a feature is greater than the corresponding background (selected by user) and if this difference is significant
rIsPosAndSignif Boolean flag indicating if the mean signal of a feature is greater than the corresponding background (selected by user) and if this difference is significant
gPValFeatEqBG P-value from t-test of significance between g Mean signal and g background (selected by user)
rPValFeatEqBG P-value from t-test of significance between r Mean signal and r background (selected by user)
gNumBGUsed Number of local background regions or features used to calculate the background subtraction on this feature g channel.
rNumBGUsed Number of local background regions or features used to calculate the background subtraction on this feature r channel.
gIsWellAboveBG Boolean flag indicating if a feature is WellAbove Background or not
rIsWellAboveBG Boolean flag indicating if a feature is WellAbove Background or not
gBGUsed Background value (after global background adjust if turned ON) subtracted from the raw mean signal to generate the BG subtracted signal; this value is computed per channel. If global BG subtraction is used the column is identical for every feature in a given channel
rBGUsed Background value (after global background adjust if turned ON) subtracted from the raw mean signal to generate the BG subtracted signal; this value is computed per channel. If global BG subtraction is used the column is identical for every feature in a given channel
gBGSDUsed Standard deviation of background used in g channel
rBGSDUsed Standard deviation of background used in r channel
IsNormalization A boolean flag which indicates if a feature is used to measure dye bias
gDyeNormSignal The dye-normalized signal in the indicated channel
rDyeNormSignal The dye-normalized signal in the indicated channel
gDyeNormError The standard error associated with the dye normalized signal
rDyeNormError The standard error associated with the dye normalized signal
DyeNormCorrelation Dye-normalized red and green pixel correlation
ErrorModel Indicates the error model that you chose for Feature Extraction or that the software uses if you have chosen the ""Most Conservative"" option

Data table
ID_REF PositionX PositionY VALUE LogRatioError PValueLogRatio gSurrogateUsed rSurrogateUsed gIsFound rIsFound gProcessedSignal rProcessedSignal gProcessedSigError rProcessedSigError gNumPixOLHi rNumPixOLHi gNumPixOLLo rNumPixOLLo gNumPix rNumPix gMeanSignal rMeanSignal gMedianSignal rMedianSignal gPixSDev rPixSDev gBGNumPix rBGNumPix gBGMeanSignal rBGMeanSignal gBGMedianSignal rBGMedianSignal gBGPixSDev rBGPixSDev gNumSatPix rNumSatPix gIsSaturated rIsSaturated PixCorrelation BGPixCorrelation gIsFeatNonUnifOL rIsFeatNonUnifOL gIsBGNonUnifOL rIsBGNonUnifOL gIsFeatPopnOL rIsFeatPopnOL gIsBGPopnOL rIsBGPopnOL IsManualFlag gBGSubSignal rBGSubSignal gBGSubSigError rBGSubSigError BGSubSigCorrelation gIsPosAndSignif rIsPosAndSignif gPValFeatEqBG rPValFeatEqBG gNumBGUsed rNumBGUsed gIsWellAboveBG rIsWellAboveBG gBGUsed rBGUsed gBGSDUsed rBGSDUsed IsNormalization gDyeNormSignal rDyeNormSignal gDyeNormError rDyeNormError DyeNormCorrelation ErrorModel xDev
1 44.6531 51.2163 -1.890105749 0.1536968027 9.327578664e-35 0.0 0.0 true true 5450.019 70.19276 68.82589 5.38148 2 1 0 0 57 57 788.1754 65.49123 767.0 64.0 69.21811 9.016102 276 276 36.71377 46.0 37.0 46.0 3.705714 5.1621 0 0 false false -0.0065214 0.000363659 false false false false false false true false false 726.201 16.0952 9.17088 1.23397 -0.00630718 true true 3.0952e-59 1.16703e-19 1 1 true true 61.9741 49.396 3.70571 5.1621 false 5450.02 70.1928 68.8259 5.38148 -0.00630718 1 -12.29762569
2 65.946 49.7703 -1.304965045 0.11033012 2.80320443e-32 0.0 0.0 true true 5483.508 271.7024 60.77055 7.189007 1 0 0 0 62 62 782.3871 112.629 769.5 110.5 62.85407 12.94912 266 266 36.5 46.06391 36.0 46.0 4.024688 4.867262 0 0 false false 0.0318824 -0.000190825 false false false false true false true false false 720.627 63.1691 7.98629 1.6714 0.031354 true true 9.68468e-67 5.37114e-46 1 1 true true 61.7604 49.4599 4.02469 4.86726 false 5483.51 271.702 60.7705 7.18901 0.031354 1 -11.82782222
3 87.3661 49.7768 0.0 0.6313252475 1.0 22.5733 26.3142 true true 22.57334 26.3142 3.699119 4.01802 4 0 0 0 56 56 58.32143 51.35714 58.5 51.0 4.200031 5.223822 292 292 36.59247 46.68493 37.0 47.0 3.666746 4.949579 0 0 false false 0.201847 0.000135854 false false false false false false true false false -3.53139 1.27618 0.600874 0.755771 0.17416 false false 1.1993e-07 0.0954453 1 1 false false 61.8528 50.081 3.66675 4.94958 false -21.7401 6.78476 3.69912 4.01802 0.17416 1 0.1054832525
4 108.41 49.5214 0.0 0.6375057122 1.0 24.1102 24.2045 true true 24.1102 24.20453 4.512072 3.726238 0 0 0 0 60 60 56.71667 49.21667 57.0 48.5 5.374427 4.995224 275 275 36.48 46.42909 37.0 46.0 3.916389 4.552759 0 0 false false -0.121417 0.000376891 false false false false false false true false false -5.02369 -0.608454 0.732927 0.700888 -0.105708 false false 1.91182e-09 0.387871 1 1 false false 61.7404 49.8251 3.91639 4.55276 false -30.927 -3.23482 4.51207 3.72624 -0.105708 1 0.002659997536
5 129.595 50.7387 -1.877550589 0.1527589257 1.013225895e-34 0.0 0.0 true true 5324.131 70.58267 66.54128 4.163148 1 2 0 1 55 55 771.4545 66.09091 757.0 66.0 65.75088 6.711716 282 282 36.59574 46.51418 37.0 46.0 3.711056 5.087996 0 0 false false -0.155234 -0.000224151 false false false false false false true false false 709.598 16.1807 8.8686 0.954379 -0.14716 true true 7.6842e-58 7.3488e-26 1 1 true true 61.8561 49.9102 3.71106 5.088 false 5324.13 70.5827 66.5413 4.16315 -0.14716 1 -12.29093868
6 150.953 49.403 -1.518932248 0.125501721 1.019700625e-33 0.0 0.0 true true 9475.025 286.8455 141.3911 6.563962 0 0 0 0 60 60 1302.333 116.0833 1258.0 117.0 143.3449 11.6536 283 283 36.84099 45.73145 37.0 46.0 4.119597 4.878521 0 0 false false 0.0362864 0.000186991 false false false false false false true false false 1240.23 66.9559 18.5074 1.53217 0.0356278 true true 2.14702e-57 4.47188e-49 1 1 true true 62.1013 49.1275 4.1196 4.87852 false 9475.02 286.846 141.391 6.56396 0.0356278 1 -12.10287983
7 171.565 49.7826 0.0 0.6143371677 1.0 23.2474 26.9957 true true 23.2474 26.99574 4.526903 5.002113 0 1 0 0 57 57 58.29825 52.96491 58.0 53.0 5.291384 6.734678 288 288 36.68056 47.48611 37.0 47.0 3.776237 5.077773 0 0 false false 0.121064 0.000182799 false false false false false false true false false -3.64266 2.08277 0.735337 0.940874 0.109416 false false 5.12296e-06 0.030154 1 1 false false 61.9409 50.8821 3.77624 5.07777 false -22.4251 11.073 4.5269 5.00211 0.109416 1 0.1056762878
8 192.876 49.5785 0.0 0.5711648107 1.0 24.933 29.1447 true true 24.93297 29.14466 5.322902 4.389693 0 0 0 0 59 59 58.0339 51.79661 57.0 53.0 6.378753 5.827342 283 283 36.73145 47.4841 36.0 47.0 4.050037 5.481975 0 0 false false -0.0587187 9.13112e-05 false false false false false false true false false -3.9579 0.916481 0.864636 0.825681 -0.0518085 false false 2.05596e-05 0.270304 1 1 false false 61.9918 50.8801 4.05004 5.48198 false -24.3658 4.87243 5.3229 4.38969 -0.0518085 1 0.1186783949
9 214.182 50.9983 -1.849967959 0.150611014 1.116571209e-34 0.0 0.0 true true 5533.496 78.16847 78.52594 4.576583 1 1 0 1 60 60 798.1667 69.23333 777.5 70.0 80.89105 7.72047 283 283 36.80919 47.88339 37.0 48.0 4.19629 5.617586 0 0 false false 0.0544873 -2.03569e-05 false false false false false false true false false 736.097 17.9539 10.446 1.05116 0.0516499 true true 1.05678e-58 3.55976e-27 1 1 true true 62.0695 51.2794 4.19629 5.61759 false 5533.5 78.1685 78.5259 4.57658 0.0516499 1 -12.28308548
10 235.714 49.5881 -1.539519049 0.1270132502 8.182268812e-34 0.0 0.0 true true 9496.413 274.183 120.0678 7.167028 2 1 0 0 56 56 1305.661 115.5357 1285.0 113.5 117.6219 12.29481 287 287 37.10105 48.15331 37.0 48.0 3.978117 5.308409 0 0 false false 0.18267 0.0002432 false false false false false false false false false 1243.3 63.9864 15.7196 1.67258 0.179417 true true 2.34228e-58 2.22793e-43 1 1 true true 62.3614 51.5493 3.97812 5.30841 false 9496.41 274.183 120.068 7.16703 0.179417 1 -12.12093263
11 256.295 50.4836 0.0 0.6098191588 1.0 23.4308 27.1859 true true 23.43081 27.18594 4.1741 3.702523 2 1 2 0 53 53 58.41509 51.90566 58.0 52.0 4.646893 4.549996 277 277 36.33935 47.62455 36.0 48.0 3.806031 5.113549 0 0 false false 0.207444 0.000404112 false false false false false false true false false -3.18461 0.885082 0.678028 0.696427 0.175317 false false 1.38312e-05 0.207484 1 1 false false 61.5997 51.0206 3.80603 5.11355 false -19.6052 4.70549 4.1741 3.70252 0.175317 1 0.105862428
12 278.341 49.6512 0.0 0.5795382288 1.0 26.379 26.8028 true true 26.37904 26.80277 4.828532 4.248573 1 1 0 0 58 58 56.17241 50.5 57.0 52.0 5.65418 5.648319 287 287 36.85714 47.45296 37.0 48.0 4.284932 5.041477 0 0 false false 0.0780054 0.000385509 false false false false false false true false false -5.94508 -0.348992 0.784332 0.799137 0.0685737 false false 1.01845e-10 0.663552 1 1 false false 62.1175 50.849 4.28493 5.04148 false -36.5993 -1.8554 4.82853 4.24857 0.0685737 1 0.01194180724
13 299.218 50.358 -1.93042458 0.1567730121 7.662605109e-35 0.0 0.0 true true 5552.986 65.17814 74.35007 6.172395 1 1 0 0 58 58 803.0517 65.34483 790.5 64.0 75.48473 10.49737 273 273 37.31502 47.01465 37.0 47.0 3.864863 5.231389 0 0 false false 0.0793283 0.00021097 false false false false false false false false false 740.476 14.9341 9.91439 1.41427 0.0772944 true true 1.30595e-58 1.39559e-15 1 1 true true 62.5754 50.4107 3.86486 5.23139 false 5552.99 65.1781 74.3501 6.17239 0.0772944 1 -12.31350061
14 319.701 49.9878 -1.535796152 0.1267341269 8.454252834e-34 0.0 0.0 true true 9686.854 282.0893 116.3013 7.731491 0 1 0 0 60 60 1330.3 116.65 1298.5 119.0 117.9019 13.77891 273 273 37.11355 47.40659 37.0 47.0 3.842238 5.032931 0 0 false false -0.377758 0.000139557 false false false false false false false false false 1267.93 65.8474 15.2228 1.80474 -0.372294 true true 6.45758e-63 7.55403e-44 1 1 true true 62.3739 50.8026 3.84224 5.03293 false 9686.85 282.089 116.301 7.73149 -0.372294 1 -12.11825252
15 340.553 50.0877 0.0 0.5720777817 1.0 26.1681 27.7265 true true 26.16811 27.7265 5.173004 3.913866 1 1 0 3 55 55 58.78182 52.12727 58.0 52.0 5.94945 4.963028 289 289 37.3737 47.43945 37.0 47.0 4.25067 5.215226 0 0 false false -0.12134 9.8932e-05 false false false false false false false false false -3.85224 1.2918 0.840287 0.73618 -0.105293 false false 2.12964e-05 0.083211 1 1 false false 62.6341 50.8355 4.25067 5.21523 false -23.7153 6.86777 5.173 3.91387 -0.105293 1 0.04391464518
16 362.225 49.5583 0.0 0.5820363603 1.0 26.0863 26.8684 true true 26.08633 26.86835 5.12241 3.498593 1 0 0 0 57 57 57.82456 49.17544 58.0 49.0 5.991431 4.428491 287 287 37.15331 46.87805 37.0 47.0 4.237385 5.053812 0 0 false false 0.148571 -8.32535e-06 false false false false false false false false false -4.5891 -1.09864 0.832069 0.658069 0.126302 false false 5.93272e-07 0.0985915 1 1 false false 62.4137 50.2741 4.23739 5.05381 false -28.2516 -5.84087 5.12241 3.49859 0.126302 1 0.02203992239
17 383.166 51.2115 -1.893495293 0.1539306302 8.949846881e-35 0.0 0.0 true true 5596.547 71.51956 64.65374 5.424708 1 3 0 0 60 60 808.1333 66.55 794.0 66.0 66.66243 9.361705 274 274 37.60219 46.74453 37.0 47.0 4.126054 4.922891 0 0 false false -0.0709499 -5.32101e-05 false false false false false false false false false 745.271 16.4094 8.60969 1.24464 -0.0688661 true true 5.89349e-64 3.37474e-20 1 1 true true 62.8625 50.1406 4.12605 4.92289 false 5596.55 71.5196 64.6537 5.42471 -0.0688661 1 -12.30096498
18 404.473 49.7609 -1.575802367 0.1296732511 5.59104937e-34 0.0 0.0 true true 10093.84 268.0737 123.5029 7.083783 0 0 0 1 57 57 1384.018 113.5088 1371.0 114.0 122.0405 12.22282 287 287 37.49477 47.54007 37.0 48.0 3.860207 5.693601 0 0 false false -0.234282 4.60639e-06 false false false false false false false false false 1321.26 62.5727 16.1663 1.65347 -0.229369 true true 5.80374e-60 5.05585e-44 1 1 true true 62.7551 50.9361 3.86021 5.6936 false 10093.8 268.074 123.503 7.08378 -0.229369 1 -12.1521004
19 425.624 50.2661 0.0 0.5917066485 1.0 24.9112 27.2024 true true 24.91116 27.20235 4.835186 3.974132 0 1 0 1 58 58 59.67241 53.08621 59.5 53.0 5.695144 5.202174 284 284 37.97887 46.61972 38.0 46.0 4.046494 5.116636 0 0 false false -0.0848926 -0.000226724 false false false false false false false false false -3.56681 3.07046 0.785413 0.747516 -0.0738888 false true 2.29923e-05 9.49163e-05 1 1 false false 63.2392 50.0157 4.04649 5.11664 false -21.9581 16.3239 4.83519 3.97413 -0.0738888 1 0.06458021054
20 446.64 49.7544 0.0 0.5631605856 1.0 25.4409 29.3951 true true 25.44086 29.39508 3.921049 4.851581 4 0 1 0 55 55 57.38182 51.89091 57.0 51.0 4.356736 6.311872 282 282 37.19858 47.11348 37.0 46.0 4.132537 5.529078 0 0 false false 0.0783128 5.17204e-05 false false false false false false false false false -5.07712 1.3814 0.636923 0.91256 0.0673732 false false 1.44665e-11 0.13452 1 1 false false 62.4589 50.5095 4.13254 5.52908 false -31.2559 7.34417 3.92105 4.85158 0.0673732 1 0.111412034

Total number of rows: 22575

Table truncated, full table size 11118 Kbytes.

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