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Sample GSM16647 Query DataSets for GSM16647
Status Public on Feb 11, 2004
Title RatLung_H1h_3
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Lung of hemorrhaged animal 1h
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name Pooled RNA of equal amounts from 10 organs (liver, lung, kidney, spleen, heart, skeletal muscle, skin, jejunum, and brain) of untreated control animals
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 280-300 g were anesthetized with 1.75% to 2.5% isofluorane and instrumented with two arterial catheters, one externalized for blood withdrawal and the other (not externalized) attached to the Data Sciences International (DSI) PhysioTel (St. Paul, MN, model C50-PXT) monitoring device placed intraperitoneally and used in monitoring blood pressure, temperature, and electrocardiogram data via telemetry. After 7 to 10 days of recovery, and only after the animals had begun to gain weight, the experiment was performed. At the beginning of hemorrhage (H), blood was withdrawn manually through the externalized catheter with 1-ml syringes at l ml/min. Total blood volume was estimated to be 6.5% of the body weight and 40% of this (2.6 ml/100g) was removed to effect the hemorrhage.
Keywords = rat lung hemorrhage
Submission date Feb 06, 2004
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Phillip Bowman
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 210-916-4297
Organization name Institute of Surgical Research
Street address 3400 Rawley E. Chambers Ave
City San Antonio
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 78234-6315
Country USA
Platform ID GPL968
Series (1)
GSE1034 Temporal Response of Rat Lung to Hemorrhage

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log ratio (log2 of PRE_VALUE)
N635_MEDIAN The normalized median intensity of Cy5 calculated by subtracting the Cy5 median background intensity taken from a standard area around the spot from the Cy5 emission in the pixels at each spot after laser excitation, and normalized to their overall mean, and then re-scaled to produce an overall geometric mean Cy5/Cy3 ratio of 1 for the array.
N532_MEDIAN The normalized median intensity of Cy3 calculated by subtracting the Cy3 median background intensity taken from a standard area around the spot from the Cy3 emission in the pixels at each spot after laser excitation, and normalized to their overall mean, and then re-scaled to produce an overall geometric mean Cy5/Cy3 ratio of 1 for the array.
F635_MEDIAN Cy5 channel median intensity of the spot.
F635_MEAN Cy5 channel average intensity of the spot.
F635_SD The standard deviation calculated for the Cy5 channel mean intensity of the spot.
B635_MEDIAN Cy5 channel background median intensity around the spot.
B635_MEAN Cy5 channel background average intensity around the spot.
B635_SD The standard deviation calculated for the Cy5 channel background average intensity around the spot.
F635_QUALITY Cy5 channel percentage of pixels in the spot more than one standard deviation above background.
F532_MEDIAN Cy3 channel median intensity of the spot.
F532_MEAN Cy3 channel average intensity of the spot.
F532_SD The standard deviation calculated for the Cy3 channel mean intensity of the spot.
B532_MEDIAN Cy3 channel background median intensity around the spot.
B532_MEAN Cy3 channel background average intensity around the spot.
B532_SD The standard deviation calculated for the Cy3 channel background average intensity around the spot.
F543_QUALITY Cy3 channel percentage of pixels in the spot more than one standard deviation above background.
FLAGS The indication of spot quality determined by the image analysis software. Unflaged spot was assigned a value of zero. A negative value was assigned to a spot with intensity near background, uneven spot or background intensity.
PRE_VALUE The ratio of normalized median intensity of Cy5 (N635_MEDIAN) to normalized median intensity of Cy3 (N532_MEDIAN). These values were further processed before statistical analysis. Please refer to the paper and its supplement for the detailed data analysis.

Data table
1 0.5459683 1.609456931 1.103555324 3123 3294 2419 624 719 592 96 2662 3114 4177 855 925 514 99 0 1.46
2 0.4541763 1.305469868 0.952626107 2644 2648 1275 616 1024 3543 12 2407 2398 782 848 1384 4737 0 0 1.37
3 1.3561443 0.625363217 0.244419784 1609 1812 1134 638 1100 3690 1 1268 1388 754 867 1511 5183 0 0 2.56
4 1.3391373 0.665293721 0.262751268 1655 1745 929 622 721 617 68 1355 1385 394 925 1021 950 11 0 2.53
5 0.2509623 1.861920764 1.564897665 3477 3465 1616 585 690 553 91 3381 3364 1083 819 914 1001 90 0 1.19
6 0.2750073 1.934697328 1.592394891 3581 3601 1408 576 682 559 96 3399 3443 967 793 857 651 95 0 1.21
7 0.8318773 0.953179775 0.535890376 2085 2162 1049 605 731 921 70 1711 1741 475 834 939 1398 14 0 1.78
8 0.9781963 1.189542598 0.603716866 2472 5959 14020 624 728 646 78 1850 5460 13266 861 994 1924 11 0 1.97
9 -0.5353323 0.28208969 0.410014187 1088 1179 691 650 784 732 32 1562 1623 756 890 986 859 32 0 0.69
10 0.1375043 0.54743433 0.499227408 1434 1508 799 584 666 495 69 1571 1579 373 754 823 871 44 0 1.10
11 0.5849633 0.570619784 0.380072764 1451 1518 789 565 654 492 70 1289 1356 748 667 728 820 28 0 1.50
12 0.2387873 0.519740594 0.44117771 1361 1457 722 553 645 494 67 1422 1439 337 699 755 582 65 0 1.18
13 0.3895673 0.398661001 0.303691581 1158 1229 717 538 633 483 56 1207 1224 337 709 764 581 37 0 1.31
14 0.1890343 0.417982212 0.365407577 1216 1232 622 566 674 876 35 1296 1297 292 698 809 1765 0 0 1.14
15 0.5360533 0.311071508 0.21447836 1028 1097 626 545 638 486 49 1031 1071 349 680 720 402 43 0 1.45
16 0.1110313 0.393508677 0.365407577 1169 1250 698 558 667 627 48 1323 1414 462 724 761 349 80 0 1.08
17 -0.2009133 0.278225448 0.318356768 1053 1125 649 621 721 631 38 1403 1456 725 881 969 1193 6 0 0.87
18 0.1634993 0.421846455 0.377628566 1272 1377 753 616 692 487 59 1474 1533 470 855 914 439 69 0 1.12
19 0.4956953 0.730341801 0.51939204 1758 1874 993 623 715 625 69 1704 1740 641 854 932 801 55 0 1.41
20 0.7311833 0.984737754 0.593940074 2149 2224 1042 619 710 610 84 1878 1895 481 905 982 1101 38 0 1.66

Total number of rows: 13056

Table truncated, full table size 1329 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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