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Sample GSM1197803 Query DataSets for GSM1197803
Status Public on Jul 31, 2013
Title 20_DAP_20C_Rep2
Sample type RNA
Source name 20_DAP_Cy5
Organism Medicago truncatula
Characteristics tissue: seed
genetic background: A17
developmental stage: 20_DAP maturation
phenotype: Wild-type
treatment: Seeds developed at 21-19°C 16h
age: 20 days after flowering
harvest date: 06/06/12
Treatment protocol Medicago truncatula seeds developed at 16h, 19-21°C from 1 DAP to DS stage
Growth protocol Five Medicago truncatula plants were grown at controlled light/temperature conditions: 16h, 19-21°C from the stage of flowering to the end of seed maturation. Seeds were collected at different maturation stages, from 8 day after pollination (DAP) to Abscission. Dry seeds (DS) was the last analysed stage of development, after abscission seeds were let in the same environmental conditions for one week.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol For each data point of seed development and for each repetition, 50 seeds were collected and the total RNA was extracted with Macherey-Nagel's Nucleospin Plant II Kit according manufacturer's recommendations
Label Cy5
Label protocol 400ng of total RNAs were amplified using the Ambion messageAmp II (Ambion, Austin TX) following manufacturer's instructions. 5µg of each aRNAs were retrotranscribed with 400U of Superscript II reverse_transcriptase (Invitrogen Corp., Carlsbad, CA) and labelled with 1.5mmol of Cyanine_3 (Cy3) or Cyanine_5 (Cy5) (Interchim, France), then purified with NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean_up column kits (Macherey_Nagel, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany). Purified labeled cDNA were quantified using NanoDrop ND_1000 (Nanodrop Technologies, DE, USA). Labelled samples (30 pmol) were combined and co_hybridized to the Medtr_v1 12x135K arrays.
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was performed on a NimbleGen Hybridization System 4 (mix mode B) at 42° overnight. Slides were washed and dried prior to scanning.
Scan protocol Slides were scanned at 532/635nm at 2 μm resolution and high sensitivity with a Roche_NimbleGen MS200. DEVA Software v1.2.1 was used to extract pair_data files from the scanned images.
Data processing All statistical analyses on the gene expression data were performed using R language, version 2.5.1 (R Development Core Team, 2011) and LIMMA package (Smyth G.K., 2005) from the Bioconductor project. For the processing steps, data were normalized by the lowess method in LIMMA.
Submission date Jul 30, 2013
Last update date Jul 31, 2013
Contact name Sandra Pelletier
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name INRA
Street address 42, rue Georges Morel - BP 60057
ZIP/Postal code 49045
Country France
Platform ID GPL16373
Series (2)
GSE49350 Medicago truncatula seed development at 21-19°C
GSE53526 Medicago truncatula seed development under different growth conditions

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log2 intensity

Data table
Medtr_v1_000001 9.425318973
Medtr_v1_000002 7.902931785
Medtr_v1_000003 7.621488353
Medtr_v1_000004 8.840234905
Medtr_v1_000005 7.761125668
Medtr_v1_000006 10.62442159
Medtr_v1_000007 7.524305244
Medtr_v1_000008 7.798591834
Medtr_v1_000009 7.82710084
Medtr_v1_000010 7.697727318
Medtr_v1_000011 8.98012943
Medtr_v1_000012 7.702012324
Medtr_v1_000013 7.893628973
Medtr_v1_000014 8.166652947
Medtr_v1_000015 7.633397395
Medtr_v1_000016 7.989356765
Medtr_v1_000017 7.968323157
Medtr_v1_000018 9.491119472
Medtr_v1_000019 7.705754711
Medtr_v1_000020 7.675212661

Total number of rows: 102123

Table truncated, full table size 2781 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1197803_515703A05_Mt003_scan_2011-12-13_635.pair.gz 2.3 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
Processed data included within Sample table

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