The aim of the array was to determine the BXD2 mouse sera IgG and IgM reactivity profile to linear peptide epitopes. Pooled sera from three 6-9 month old BXD2 mice was diluted at 1:200 for IgG specific analysis or 1:1000 for IgM specific analysis and incubated on a PEPperPRINT peptide microarray platform printed with peptide autoantigens
Overall design
In this study, pooled sera from three 6-9 month old BXD2 mice was profiled for IgG and IgM specific autoantibody reactivity to peptide auto-epitopes printed in duplicate on a PepperPrint Chip.
General Approach for Tetramer Based Identification of Autoantigen Reactive B Cells: Characterization of La and snRNP Reactive B Cells in Autoimmune BXD2 Mice