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Series GSE164957 Query DataSets for GSE164957
Status Public on Jun 14, 2021
Title Mechanistic Evaluation of Reduced Reproduction in Daphnia pulex Exposed to the Insensitive Munition, 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitroguanidine (MeNQ)
Organism Daphnia pulex
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary The US Department of Defense (DOD) is developing insensitive munitions (IMs) that are resistant to unintended detonation to protect warfighters. To enable evaluation of the material life-cycle for the IM, 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitroguanidine (MeNQ), ecotoxicological impacts assessment was required. A previous investigation of MeNQ exposures in Daphnia pulex revealed concentration-responsive decreases in reproduction relative to controls (0 mg/L) across a 174, 346, 709, 1385, and 2286 mg/L exposure range. The present study used those exposures to conduct global transcriptomic expression analyses to establish hypothetical mechanisms underlying inhibited reproduction. Changes in transcript expression tended to increase with increasing MeNQ concentration where hierarchical clustering analysis identified separation among the “low” (174 and 346 mg/L) and “high” (709, 1385, and 2286 mg/L) exposures. The MeNQ exposures significantly decreased transcriptional expression for a vitellogenin precursor and juvenile hormone-inducible protein, each having plausible mechanistic connections to impaired reproductive physiology and reduced offspring production in Daphnia. Further, MeNQ affected chorion peroxidase and high choriolytic enzyme transcriptional expression which are known to influence egg production / maturation processes in arthropods. Additionally, MeNQ exposure caused dose-responsive decreases in transcriptional expression for a diverse set of cuticle proteins which requires closer examination regarding Daphnia embryo development and brood release. Finally, canonical-pathway enrichment analysis identified significant effects on a broad array of energy metabolic processes in D. pulex which require consideration regarding potential shifts in homeostatic equilibrium that can have indirect costs on reproduction. Overall, plausible mechanisms of inhibited D. pulex reproduction have been identified and should be tested in targeted bioassays.
see previous row.
Overall design The present study was initiated using D. pulex sampled at the termination of the three-brood chronic reproduction assay described in Lotufo et al (2021) to conduct microarray-based global transcriptomic investigations. In the Lotufo et al (2021) study, D. pulex were exposed to MeNQ at control (0 mg/L), 174, 346, 709, 1385, and 2286 mg/L (measured concentrations) as juveniles through three-broods of reproduction. This three-brood reproduction experiment was executed using modified Zumwalt boxes which included 10 replicate D. pulex monitored for reproduction and reported in Lotufo et al (2021). To increase the amount of D. pulex tissue available for transcriptomic analysis, the experiment size was doubled to 20 replicates per treatment, which were all run simultaneously. The animals remaining at the termination of the assay were assigned to a set of 4 replicate groups of animals per treatment to serve as treatment replicates in the transcriptomic-expression experimental design (6 treatments x 4 replicates). REFERENCE: Lotufo GR, Ballentine ML, May LR, Moores LC, Gust KA, Chappell P. (2021) Multi-species aquatic toxicity assessment of 1-methyl-3-nitroguanidine (MeNQ). Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. In Press. PMID: 33386940 DOI: 10.1007/s00244-020-00796-x.
Contributor(s) Gust KA, Lotufo GR, Barker ND, Ji Q, May LK
Citation(s) 34173910
Submission date Jan 16, 2021
Last update date Jul 27, 2021
Contact name Kurt A Gust
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 601-634-3593
Organization name US Army ERDC
Department Environmental Laboratory
Lab Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Team
Street address 3909 Halls Ferry Rd.
City Vicksburg
State/province MS
ZIP/Postal code 39180
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL29611 Agilent-063815 DappuGE60Kfrozen
Samples (24)
GSM5023772 MeNQ 3000 mg/L, Rep1
GSM5023773 MeNQ 187.5 mg/L, Rep1
GSM5023774 MeNQ 0 mg/L, Rep1
BioProject PRJNA692620

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GSE164957_RAW.tar 80.8 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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