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Links from Gene

Items: 5

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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 104971845
    uncharacterized LOC104971845 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (109486382..109490454, complement)
    ID: 618094
    eva-1 homolog B [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (109534476..109536843)FAM176B
    ID: 618089
    LSM10, U7 small nuclear RNA associated [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (109482126..109484588)
    ID: 515723
    serine/threonine kinase 40 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (109490579..109528381)
    ID: 504513
    SH3 domain containing 21 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 3, NC_037330.1 (109537600..109551436, complement)C3H1orf113
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