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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 19836113
    long non-coding RNA:CR44265 [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21223623..21224589, complement)Dmel_CR44265, CR44265, Dmel\CR44265
    ID: 14462495
    pseudo [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21216820..21217242)Dmel_ Dmel\CR43975
    ID: 42521
    ebony [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21229839..21237177, complement)Dmel_CG3331, CG3331, Dmel\CG3331, Ebony
    ID: 42520
    Negative elongation factor A [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21223704..21229512)Dmel_CG5874, BcDNA:SD07139, CG5874, Dmel\CG5874, NELF, NELF A, NELF-A, NelfA, nelf-A
    ID: 42519
    uncharacterized protein [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21220704..21223584, complement)Dmel_CG3337, Dmel\CG3337, mat1
    ID: 42518
    O-GlcNAcase [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21219077..21222843)Dmel_CG5871, CG5871, Dmel\CG5871, GlcNAcase, MGEA5, OGA, oga
    ID: 42517
    SET and MYND domain containing, class 5 [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (21217268..21218791, complement)Dmel_CG3353, CG3353, Dmel\CG3353
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