Financial Characteristics of Incentive |
Recipient: individual provider vs. provider
group |
Revenue potential: magnitude of the
financial incentive |
Revenue potential: incentive as a
proportion of total income |
Impact on cost: direct costs and
opportunity costs of complying |
Nonfinancial Characteristics of Incentive |
Perceived attainability: how easy/difficult
it is to accomplish the task of the incentive |
Performance domain measured: structure,
process, outcome |
Predisposing Factors |
Financial characteristics of the
environment: proportion of income from: fee for
service, salary, capitation |
Financial characteristics of the
environment: number of other financial incentives
in place |
Provider characteristics: demographics,
specialty, and other immutable factors |
Provider characteristics: workload,
proportion of patients if service where incentive
relevant |
Market characteristics: community
initiatives or performance standards |
Enabling Factors |
Organizational characteristics: size, type
of practice, specialty, etc. |
Organizational characteristics:
capabilities such as information systems, use of guidelines
and feedback, etc. |
Organizational characteristics: leadership,
culture, etc. |
Patient characteristics: demographics and
other immutable factors |
Patient characteristics: type of insurance,
benefits structure |