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SRX2361422: genome analysis of Salmonella spp.: takahe cloacal swab
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina MiSeq) run: 1.1M spots, 535.2M bases, 299.3Mb downloads

Design: Bacterial DNA was extracted using a Qiagen DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Bio-Strategy, NZ) according to the manufacturer’s instructions for gram negative bacteria, with the final elution step modified to 200ľl sterile MilliQ water (Merck, NZ). Qubit DNA, RNA and protein assay kits (Life Technologies, NZ) were used to ensure DNA quality. DNA was stored at -20oC prior to sequencing at New Zealand Genomics Ltd, New Zealand. Sequencing, genome assembly, curation and annotation were conducted as in Grange et al (2016) doi: 10.1007/s00248-015-0721-5.
Submitted by: Massey University
Study: Genomic epidemiology and management of Salmonella in island ecosystems used for takahe conservation
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Translocation and isolation of threatened wildlife in new environments may have unforeseen consequences on pathogen transmission and evolution in host populations. Disease threats associated with intensive conservation management of wildlife remain speculative without gaining an understanding of pathogen dynamics in meta-populations and how location attributes may determine pathogen prevalence. We determined the prevalence and population structure of an opportunistic pathogen, Salmonella in geographically isolated translocated sub-populations of an endangered New Zealand flightless bird, the takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri). Out of the nine sub-populations tested, Salmonella was only isolated from takahe living on one private island. The apparent prevalence of Salmonella in takahe on the private island was 32% [95% CI 13-57%], with 2 serotypes, Salmonella Mississippi, and Salmonella houtenae 40:gt- identified. Epidemiological investigation of reservoirs on the private island and another island occupied by takahe identified environmental and reptile sources of Salmonella Mississippi and Salmonella houtenae 40:gt- on the private island. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of core genomes revealed low level diversity among isolates belonging to the same serotype, and little differentiation according to host and environmental source. The pattern observed may be representative of transmission between sympatric hosts and environmental sources; the presence of a common unsampled source; and/or evidence of a recent introduction into the ecosystem. This study highlights how genomic epidemiology can be used to ascertain and understand disease dynamics to inform the management of disease threats in endangered wildlife populations.
Name: SR52B_S3
Instrument: Illumina MiSeq
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 1.1M spots, 535.2M bases, 299.3Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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