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SRX751068: SOLiD RNA-SEQ basespace sequencing library from placental/ovarian tissue of individual Poeciliopsis prolifica female
3 ABI_SOLID (AB 5500xl Genetic Analyzer) runs: 170.5M spots, 10.6G bases, 6.2Gb downloads

Design: RNA was isolated from ovarian/placental tissue of a single Poeciliopsis prolifica female using the Qiagen RNeasy kit. All developing embryos, their belly sacs, and fertilized embryos were dissected out of tissues before RNA isolation. Ribosomal RNA was removed from RNA samples using Epicentre Ribo-Zero rRNA Removal kit for individuals #6 and #7. The Invitrogen Ribo-Minus kit was used for individual #3 only as it was judged to be less effective than Epicentre kit. Sequencing libraries from resulting RNA products were constructed using standard SOLiD cDNA library construction protocols. All barcodes were removed post-sequencing using the program Cutadapt.
Submitted by: University of Connecticut
Study: Poeciliopsis prolifica Transcriptome or Gene expression
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Data for study to build tissue-specific reference transcriptome for Poeciliopsis prolifica in order to examine genetic factors contributing to the evolution of placentation in this species
Sample: Placental tissue sample from individual Poeciliopsis prolifica
SAMN03160545 • SRS736834 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Placenta SOLiD RNA-SEQ
Instrument: AB 5500xl Genetic Analyzer
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: other
Layout: SINGLE
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Runs: 3 runs, 170.5M spots, 10.6G bases, 6.2Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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