show Abstracthide AbstractThe Molossus molossus (Pallas's mastiff bat) is a bat species in the family of Molossidae and lives in Central and South America. This assembly has been produced as part of the Bat1K Project. DNA was collected from a male, wild caught in Gamboa, Panama by Dina Dechmann. The samples were prepared in the Long Read team of the DRESDEN concept Genome Center, and sequencing was conducted at DRESDEN concept Genome Center, and the MPI for Evolutionary Biology. Genome assembly, annotation and manual curation of chromosomes was conducted by the Bat1K group, and in particular by Martin Pippel of Gene Myers lab and David Jebb of Michael Hiller's lab at MPI-CBG. The primary haplotype contains the longest contigs of the DAmar assembly, phased with 10X linked reads, scaffolded with Bionano optical maps, and Phase Genomics HiC reads. Funding was from the Max Planck Society, and individual grants and awards to the persons listed above. The raw data and assembly are currently under a Bat1K publication embargo until removed from this description, following the Bat1K data use policy at the following URL: