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DRX311995: HiSeq X Ten paired end sequencing of SAMD00412233
1 ILLUMINA (HiSeq X Ten) run: 41.6M spots, 12.6G bases, 5Gb downloads

Submitted by: TOHOKUGL
Study: To clarify the evolution of the HAP clade
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Our first goal is to collect genetic information of plants belonging to the Helichrysum-Anaphalis-Pseudognaphalium clade. The plants in this clade are members of the Asteraceae and they grow in deiverse environments and have wide distribution, especially in Asia. We believe that this clade is a useful taxon for studying evolution and phylogeography, for example, adaptive evolution and distribution transition such as refugia. Therefore, our second goal is to use genetic information of the HAP clade to advance these study and now we are focusing on Anaphalis species among the HAP clade. Our goal in the future is to use these studied for many studies dealing with Asteraceae.
Sample: Contig1
SAMD00412233 • DRS217255 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: HiSeq X Ten
Strategy: WGS
Selection: unspecified
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol:
Spot descriptor:
forward151  reverse

Runs: 1 run, 41.6M spots, 12.6G bases, 5Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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