SRX11009416: long read WGS of Salvelinus namaycush
1 PACBIO_SMRT (Sequel) run: 29M spots, 267.2G bases, 62.8Gb downloads
Design: 5ug of concentrated DNA at 11kb (Agilent gDNA TapeStation) (No shearing) was used in the SMRTbell Template Prep Kit 1.0 (Pacific Biosciences), with extra DNA Damage Repair step after size selection. Size selection was made for >10 kb using a Blue Pippin instrument (Sage Science) according to the protocol Procedure & Checklist 20 kb Template Preparation Using BluePippin Size-Selection System., Library quality and quantity were assessed using gDNA Tape Station (Agilent), as well as with the dsDNA Broad Range an HS Assay kit and Qubit Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher). Single-Molecule Real Time sequencing was performed on the Pacific Biosciences Sequel instrument at McGill University using an on-plate concentration ranging from 1.5-7.5pM, sequencing kit 2.0, with diffusion loading, and 600-minute movies (two SMRTCells were run with 1200 minutes).
Submitted by: McGill University
Salvelinus namaycush isolate:Seneca Genome sequencing and assemblyshow Abstracthide AbstractSalvelinus namaycush genome assembly
Name: LT
Instrument: Sequel
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 29M spots, 267.2G bases, 62.8Gb