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ERX2808461: HiSeq X Ten paired end sequencing
1 ILLUMINA (HiSeq X Ten) run: 4.8M spots, 1.4G bases, 394.4Mb downloads

Design: Illumina sequencing of library DN483701L:G7, constructed from sample accession ERS2711772 for study accession ERP023216. This is part of an Illumina multiplexed sequencing run (22984_7). This submission includes reads tagged with the sequence TTCGCACC.
Submitted by: Wellcome Sanger Institute
Study: Salmonella_enterica_ancient_DNA_and_modern_demography
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The project investigated the demography of Salmonella enterica, building on a large collection of diverse S.enterica from animals and the environment to provide context for deeper phylogenetic analysis and balance the current collections which are biassed towards clinical and outbreak strains. It will also look at ancient DNA from skeletons and coprolites to investigate the population history of S. enterica. http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/downloads/bacteria/salmonella.html
Sample: 4463STDY6898345
SAMEA4892771 • ERS2711772 • All experiments • All runs
Name: DN483701L:G7
Instrument: HiSeq X Ten
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Standard
Runs: 1 run, 4.8M spots, 1.4G bases, 394.4Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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