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The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
specific genome build. Explain
This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference Panubis1.0 Primary Assembly
NC_044981.1 Reference Panubis1.0 Primary Assembly
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_009204925.2 → XP_009203189.2 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSPANP00000012434.1, ENSPANT00000026588.3
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd15582
Location:188 → 239
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:539 → 565
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- cd20449
Location:30 → 82
- Tudor_PHF1; Tudor domain found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1) and similar proteins
XM_017957797.2 → XP_017813286.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X2
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd15582
Location:188 → 239
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:538 → 564
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- cd20449
Location:30 → 82
- Tudor_PHF1; Tudor domain found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1) and similar proteins
XM_031667046.1 → XP_031522906.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X7
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd15582
Location:188 → 239
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd20449
Location:30 → 82
- Tudor_PHF1; Tudor domain found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1) and similar proteins
XM_031667047.1 → XP_031522907.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X8
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd15582
Location:188 → 239
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam15258
Location:333 → 426
- FAM222A; Protein family of FAM222A
- pfam18104
Location:34 → 69
- Tudor_2; Jumonji domain-containing protein 2A Tudor domain
XM_031667045.1 → XP_031522905.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X5
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- cd15582
Location:188 → 239
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:444 → 470
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- pfam18104
Location:34 → 69
- Tudor_2; Jumonji domain-containing protein 2A Tudor domain
XM_021936717.2 → XP_021792409.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X4
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- smart00333
Location:29 → 80
- TUDOR; Tudor domain
- cd15500
Location:89 → 139
- PHD1_PHF1; PHD finger 1 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:507 → 532
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- cl22851
Location:188 → 206
- PHD_SF; PHD finger superfamily
XM_021936716.1 → XP_021792408.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X3
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- smart00333
Location:29 → 80
- TUDOR; Tudor domain
- cd15582
Location:156 → 207
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:507 → 532
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- cl22851
Location:81 → 107
- PHD_SF; PHD finger superfamily
XM_017957798.3 → XP_017813287.1 PHD finger protein 1 isoform X6
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- cd15582
Location:77 → 128
- PHD2_PHF1; PHD finger 2 found in PHD finger protein1 (PHF1)
- pfam14061
Location:428 → 454
- Mtf2_C; Polycomb-like MTF2 factor 2
- cl22851
Location:2 → 28
- PHD_SF; PHD finger superfamily
XR_001901708.2 RNA Sequence
XR_001901709.2 RNA Sequence