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RecName: Full=26S proteasome regulatory subunit RPN2

UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q8SSH5.1

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LOCUS       RPN2_ENCCU               786 aa            linear   PLN 29-MAY-2024
DEFINITION  RecName: Full=26S proteasome regulatory subunit RPN2.
DBSOURCE    UniProtKB: locus RPN2_ENCCU, accession Q8SSH5;
            class: standard.
            created: Sep 1, 2009.
            sequence updated: Jun 1, 2002.
            annotation updated: May 29, 2024.
            xrefs: AL590442.1, CAD25079.1, NP_584575.1
            xrefs (non-sequence databases): AlphaFoldDB:Q8SSH5, SMR:Q8SSH5,
            STRING:284813.Q8SSH5, GeneID:858565, KEGG:ecu:ECU02_0480,
            VEuPathDB:MicrosporidiaDB:ECU02_0480, HOGENOM:CLU_019837_0_0_1,
            InParanoid:Q8SSH5, OMA:INYYNIC, OrthoDB:1343092at2759,
            Proteomes:UP000000819, GO:0005634, GO:0008540, GO:0034515,
            GO:0030234, GO:0043161, GO:0042176, Gene3D:,
            InterPro:IPR016642, InterPro:IPR011989, InterPro:IPR016024,
            PANTHER:PTHR10943, PANTHER:PTHR10943:SF2, Pfam:PF13646,
            PIRSF:PIRSF015947, SUPFAM:SSF48371
KEYWORDS    Cytoplasm; Nucleus; Proteasome; Reference proteome; Repeat.
SOURCE      Encephalitozoon cuniculi GB-M1
  ORGANISM  Encephalitozoon cuniculi GB-M1
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Fungi incertae sedis; Microsporidia;
            Unikaryonidae; Encephalitozoon.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 786)
  AUTHORS   Katinka,M.D., Duprat,S., Cornillot,E., Metenier,G., Thomarat,F.,
            Prensier,G., Barbe,V., Peyretaillade,E., Brottier,P., Wincker,P.,
            Delbac,F., El Alaoui,H., Peyret,P., Saurin,W., Gouy,M.,
            Weissenbach,J. and Vivares,C.P.
  TITLE     Genome sequence and gene compaction of the eukaryote parasite
            Encephalitozoon cuniculi
  JOURNAL   Nature 414 (6862), 450-453 (2001)
   PUBMED   11719806
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 786)
  AUTHORS   Brosson,D., Kuhn,L., Delbac,F., Garin,J., P Vivares,C. and
  TITLE     Proteomic analysis of the eukaryotic parasite Encephalitozoon
            cuniculi (microsporidia): a reference map for proteins expressed in
            late sporogonial stages
  JOURNAL   Proteomics 6 (12), 3625-3635 (2006)
   PUBMED   16691553
COMMENT     [FUNCTION] Acts as a regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome which
            degrades poly-ubiquitinated proteins in the cytoplasm and in the
            nucleus. It is essential for the regulated turnover of proteins and
            for the removal of misfolded proteins. The proteasome is a
            multicatalytic proteinase complex that is characterized by its
            ability to cleave peptides with Arg, Phe, Tyr, Leu, and Glu
            adjacent to the leaving group at neutral or slightly basic pH (By
            similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
            [SUBUNIT] The 26S proteasome consists of a 20S proteasome core and
            two 19S regulatory subunits. The 20S proteasome core is composed of
            28 subunits that are arranged in four stacked rings, resulting in a
            barrel-shaped structure. The two end rings are each formed by seven
            alpha subunits, and the two central rings are each formed by seven
            beta subunits. The catalytic chamber with the active sites is on
            the inside of the barrel (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
            [SUBCELLULAR LOCATION] Cytoplasm {ECO:0000250}. Nucleus
            [DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE] Expressed in late sporogonial stages.
            [SIMILARITY] Belongs to the proteasome subunit S1 family.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..786
                     /organism="Encephalitozoon cuniculi GB-M1"
     gene            1..786
     Protein         1..786
                     /product="26S proteasome regulatory subunit RPN2"
                     /UniProtKB_evidence="Evidence at protein level"
     Region          1..786
                     /note="26S proteasome regulatory complex component
                     [Posttranslational modification, protein turnover,
                     chaperones]; COG5116"
     Region          1..786
                     /region_name="Mature chain"
                     /note="26S proteasome regulatory subunit RPN2.
     Region          311..343
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 1."
     Region          344..377
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 2."
     Region          382..416
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 3."
     Region          417..451
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 4."
     Region          498..532
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 5."
     Region          533..566
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 6."
     Region          548..574
                     /region_name="HEAT repeat"
                     /note="HEAT repeat [structural motif]"
     Region          567..601
                     /region_name="Repetitive region"
                     /note="PC 7."
        1 mqtirilpni rallrdgres eaidvinahv dvvaphikdd lryikssdpk tslclskiyf
       61 vledyqqaie yalragdllv ddgsfyytsi vyhmmdsadi ggddrirdfv lkvigaedvd
      121 dsligylfsi kaygllkeal vkyisdgndc rrlldllisl geeegclkei ygmlaeigpg
      181 kkpfifyvid ayfyledvek vkalierlvk edillcydva fytednyspe ievadqrvms
      241 ilsgefkkki lgaflleknl tsfkflesia rtrthylgla nslmnlgtsn dtlyrnnadi
      301 fgqssewakf sevasigmih lfnsnpyeil knylpsevsq keggalmalg likagtfsee
      361 dteyllyfld tedtltpela ygvclglgli nmgsanreil nklkelskvd rtllveasvy
      421 gmgmlglnsw svelledlrt iageteferv kravgisfsl vlmfseemfy decnasngdf
      481 knyinellyd kdsimrangv lslgsafvgt grlgvistll pyindgdddv kraaviaigl
      541 vccddrdllv gtleplsenh nffvraavav vlglflsgtg dkvctnilea lmydtnslvr
      601 qsacigvgfi tmqcnpelvp nykriiekln rlivdkkesg avelgavlgr glsegggrni
      661 vfsvrnmsgi tsadriagav lflhywywhp lismvslcal pttvfcfned leeeeieipt
      721 ssrynnllic lpdikkarrf kqkpkedkei viespsvltf gsrctikqre ecgidapail
      781 fvkkkk
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Reference sequence information

  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for proteasome regulatory particle base subunit RPN2 (NP_584575.1).

More about the gene ECU02_0480

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