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ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5 isoform X3 [Macaca mulatta]

NCBI Reference Sequence: XP_028707415.1

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LOCUS       XP_028707415             470 aa            linear   PRI 26-APR-2019
DEFINITION  ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5 isoform X3 [Macaca
ACCESSION   XP_028707415
VERSION     XP_028707415.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA528504
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession XM_028851582.1
SOURCE      Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)
  ORGANISM  Macaca mulatta
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Cercopithecidae; Cercopithecinae; Macaca.
COMMENT     MODEL REFSEQ:  This record is predicted by automated computational
            analysis. This record is derived from a genomic sequence
            (NC_041754.1) annotated using gene prediction method: Gnomon,
            supported by EST evidence.
            Also see:
                Documentation of NCBI's Annotation Process
            Annotation Provider         :: NCBI
            Annotation Status           :: Full annotation
            Annotation Name             :: Macaca mulatta Annotation Release
            Annotation Version          :: 103
            Annotation Pipeline         :: NCBI eukaryotic genome annotation
            Annotation Software Version :: 8.2
            Annotation Method           :: Best-placed RefSeq; Gnomon
            Features Annotated          :: Gene; mRNA; CDS; ncRNA
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..470
                     /organism="Macaca mulatta"
     Protein         1..470
                     /product="ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L5
                     isoform X3"
     Region          142..366
                     /note="Cysteine peptidase C12 contains ubiquitin
                     carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (UCH) families L1, L3, L5 and
                     BAP1; cd02255"
     Site            order(198,204,280,295)
                     /note="catalytic site [active]"
     Region          407..452
                     /note="Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolases; pfam18031"
     CDS             1..470
        1 mptsrsgpgf gkgppsgmvr aglarmslpr cwfrfpgwag aearrrraiv srrlpslspw
       61 degerhgglv rlcaslgplt qhkrlpvgfp qcphlglaad phldpqrrqe kscaalgndk
      121 rrqtdrqrqr qqqphcrrgi pgcrgaqvee iwslepenfe klkpvhglif lfkwqpgeep
      181 agsvvqdsrl dtiffakqvi nnacatqaiv svllncthqd vhlgetlsef kefsqsfdaa
      241 mkglalsnsd virqvhnsfa rqqmfefdtk tsakeedafh fvsyvpvngr lyeldglreg
      301 pidlgacnqd dwisavrpvi ekriqkdgfs pccpgwsqtp elkpsacldl pkwysegeir
      361 fnlmaivsdr kmiyeqkiae lqrqlaeeep mdtdqgnsml saiqsevakn qmlieeevqk
      421 lkrykienir rkhnylpfim ellktlaehq qliplvekfe khfektllgk
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