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  • This record is a non-redundant protein sequence. Please read more here.

MULTISPECIES: inorganic phosphate transporter [Campylobacter]

NCBI Reference Sequence: WP_022552337.1

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LOCUS       WP_022552337             508 aa            linear   BCT 01-JAN-2025
DEFINITION  MULTISPECIES: inorganic phosphate transporter [Campylobacter].
ACCESSION   WP_022552337
VERSION     WP_022552337.1
SOURCE      Campylobacter
  ORGANISM  Campylobacter
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Campylobacterota; Epsilonproteobacteria;
            Campylobacterales; Campylobacteraceae.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 508)
  AUTHORS   Forster,I.C., Hernando,N., Biber,J. and Murer,H.
  TITLE     Phosphate transporters of the SLC20 and SLC34 families
  JOURNAL   Mol Aspects Med 34 (2-3), 386-395 (2013)
   PUBMED   23506879
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 508)
  AUTHORS   Biber,J., Hernando,N. and Forster,I.
  TITLE     Phosphate transporters and their function
  JOURNAL   Annu Rev Physiol 75, 535-550 (2013)
   PUBMED   23398154
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 508)
  AUTHORS   Bottger,P. and Pedersen,L.
  TITLE     Evolutionary and experimental analyses of inorganic phosphate
            transporter PiT family reveals two related signature sequences
            harboring highly conserved aspartic acids critical for
            sodium-dependent phosphate transport function of human PiT2
  JOURNAL   FEBS J 272 (12), 3060-3074 (2005)
   PUBMED   15955065
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: Conserved Domain (CDD)
            Evidence Accession :: Domain architecture ID 10475700
            Evidence Source    :: NCBI SPARCLE
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..508
     Protein         1..508
                     /product="inorganic phosphate transporter"
                     /GO_component="GO:0016020 - membrane [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_function="GO:0005315 - phosphate transmembrane
                     transporter activity [Evidence IEA]"
                     /GO_process="GO:0006817 - phosphate ion transport
                     [Evidence IEA]"
     Region          50..495
                     /note="Phosphate transporter family; pfam01384"
        1 mqkdnliafv ifiistiafv iwgfgyisqh qlilfilasi fgifmafnig gndvansfgt
       61 svgaktvtik qaliiaavfe lsgaifagae vtktirsgiv ifpnsldpml fviimlaall
      121 ssgvwifiat kkglpvstth sivggivgas immgllkfdg iqtlsmvkws eilriaiswi
      181 aspllggiva yiiysyidkk ilkpseklnd dlknikkerk kfkeeyflnl ktksqeeqik
      241 elsaialdee eqennfyrnk mkefkdqekd idiysilkth mpiiaciaaa iisamflfkg
      301 lnnvstldil qnfwiigiig tisyvvtfai vkivkkteln kttdrifswf qiftassfaf
      361 shgandiana igpfaaildv lkngtinats pvpfaalamf gvalvvglwf lgkevittvg
      421 sklatirstt gfsaelgasi villatqfgi pvssthilig ailgigvynk nanwimmkpi
      481 glawiitlpa agimaalvfl gfklslgi
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