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  • This record is a non-redundant protein sequence. Please read more here.

MULTISPECIES: ATP-binding cassette domain-containing protein [Bifidobacterium]

NCBI Reference Sequence: WP_013390027.1

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LOCUS       WP_013390027             253 aa            linear   BCT 01-SEP-2024
DEFINITION  MULTISPECIES: ATP-binding cassette domain-containing protein
ACCESSION   WP_013390027
VERSION     WP_013390027.1
SOURCE      Bifidobacterium
  ORGANISM  Bifidobacterium
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Actinomycetota; Actinomycetes;
            Bifidobacteriales; Bifidobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 253)
  AUTHORS   Hung,L.W., Wang,I.X., Nikaido,K., Liu,P.Q., Ames,G.F. and Kim,S.H.
  TITLE     Crystal structure of the ATP-binding subunit of an ABC transporter
  JOURNAL   Nature 396 (6712), 703-707 (1998)
   PUBMED   9872322
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 253)
  AUTHORS   Rosteck,P.R. Jr., Reynolds,P.A. and Hershberger,C.L.
  TITLE     Homology between proteins controlling Streptomyces fradiae tylosin
            resistance and ATP-binding transport
  JOURNAL   Gene 102 (1), 27-32 (1991)
   PUBMED   1864505
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 253)
  AUTHORS   Higgins,C.F., Hyde,S.C., Mimmack,M.M., Gileadi,U., Gill,D.R. and
  TITLE     Binding protein-dependent transport systems
  JOURNAL   J Bioenerg Biomembr 22 (4), 571-592 (1990)
   PUBMED   2229036
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 253)
  AUTHORS   Blight,M.A. and Holland,I.B.
  TITLE     Structure and function of haemolysin B,P-glycoprotein and other
            members of a novel family of membrane translocators
  JOURNAL   Mol Microbiol 4 (6), 873-880 (1990)
   PUBMED   1977073
COMMENT     REFSEQ: This record represents a single, non-redundant, protein
            sequence which may be annotated on many different RefSeq genomes
            from the same, or different, species.
            Evidence Category  :: HMM
            Evidence Accession :: NF012235.5
            Evidence Source    :: EMBL-EBI
            Source Identifier  :: PF00005.32
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..253
     Protein         1..253
                     /product="ATP-binding cassette domain-containing protein"
                     /GO_function="GO:0005524 - ATP binding [Evidence IEA]"
     Region          19..252
                     /note="ABC-type iron transporter FetAB, ATPase component
                     [Inorganic ion transport and metabolism]; COG4619"
        1 mqmlftarrv scvvpsaqsd rtifedlsfd vdrgqivdlv gpsgsgkssl ltafallnph
       61 adgtftldga dsssfslqqw rrnvaylpqk pmlmgdsvad tirlpwtlav rradeasapd
      121 dhaatgkkts arrgrfsrlf rseqsqakla lpdqlirntl damgcedidl araphdlsgg
      181 qaarvslart lltrpavlla devdaglddd nadkvasima saaargmaiv rirhrppdgr
      241 atrivtlssg rls
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