LOCUS NP_001332036 177 aa linear PLN 20-OCT-2022
DEFINITION proline-rich family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana].
ACCESSION NP_001332036
VERSION NP_001332036.1
DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA116
BioSample: SAMN03081427
DBSOURCE REFSEQ: accession NM_001344613.1
SOURCE Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
ORGANISM Arabidopsis thaliana
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 177)
AUTHORS Tabata,S., Kaneko,T., Nakamura,Y., Kotani,H., Kato,T., Asamizu,E.,
Miyajima,N., Sasamoto,S., Kimura,T., Hosouchi,T., Kawashima,K.,
Kohara,M., Matsumoto,M., Matsuno,A., Muraki,A., Nakayama,S.,
Nakazaki,N., Naruo,K., Okumura,S., Shinpo,S., Takeuchi,C., Wada,T.,
Watanabe,A., Yamada,M., Yasuda,M., Sato,S., de la Bastide,M.,
Huang,E., Spiegel,L., Gnoj,L., O'Shaughnessy,A., Preston,R.,
Habermann,K., Murray,J., Johnson,D., Rohlfing,T., Nelson,J.,
Stoneking,T., Pepin,K., Spieth,J., Sekhon,M., Armstrong,J.,
Becker,M., Belter,E., Cordum,H., Cordes,M., Courtney,L.,
Courtney,W., Dante,M., Du,H., Edwards,J., Fryman,J., Haakensen,B.,
Lamar,E., Latreille,P., Leonard,S., Meyer,R., Mulvaney,E.,
Ozersky,P., Riley,A., Strowmatt,C., Wagner-McPherson,C., Wollam,A.,
Yoakum,M., Bell,M., Dedhia,N., Parnell,L., Shah,R., Rodriguez,M.,
See,L.H., Vil,D., Baker,J., Kirchoff,K., Toth,K., King,L.,
Bahret,A., Miller,B., Marra,M., Martienssen,R., McCombie,W.R.,
Wilson,R.K., Murphy,G., Bancroft,I., Volckaert,G., Wambutt,R.,
Dusterhoft,A., Stiekema,W., Pohl,T., Entian,K.D., Terryn,N.,
Hartley,N., Bent,E., Johnson,S., Langham,S.A., McCullagh,B.,
Robben,J., Grymonprez,B., Zimmermann,W., Ramsperger,U., Wedler,H.,
Balke,K., Wedler,E., Peters,S., van Staveren,M., Dirkse,W.,
Mooijman,P., Lankhorst,R.K., Weitzenegger,T., Bothe,G., Rose,M.,
Hauf,J., Berneiser,S., Hempel,S., Feldpausch,M., Lamberth,S.,
Villarroel,R., Gielen,J., Ardiles,W., Bents,O., Lemcke,K.,
Kolesov,G., Mayer,K., Rudd,S., Schoof,H., Schueller,C.,
Zaccaria,P., Mewes,H.W., Bevan,M. and Fransz,P.
CONSRTM Kazusa DNA Research Institute; Cold Spring Harbor and Washington
University in St Louis Sequencing Consortium; European Union
Arabidopsis Genome Sequencing Consortium
TITLE Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis
JOURNAL Nature 408 (6814), 823-826 (2000)
PUBMED 11130714
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 177)
CONSRTM NCBI Genome Project
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (19-OCT-2022) National Center for Biotechnology
Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE 3 (residues 1 to 177)
AUTHORS Krishnakumar,V., Cheng,C.-Y., Chan,A.P., Schobel,S., Kim,M.,
Ferlanti,E.S., Belyaeva,I., Rosen,B.D., Micklem,G., Miller,J.R.,
Vaughn,M. and Town,C.D.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (17-MAY-2016) Plant Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute,
9704 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
REMARK Protein update by submitter
REFERENCE 4 (residues 1 to 177)
AUTHORS Swarbreck,D., Lamesch,P., Wilks,C. and Huala,E.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (18-FEB-2011) Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie
Institution, 260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA, USA
COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by TAIR and Araport.
The reference sequence is identical to ANM70424.
Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..177
/organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
Protein 1..177
/product="proline-rich family protein"
CDS 1..177
/gene_synonym="MFC19.1; MFC19_1"
1 mggdndndkd kgfhgyppag ypppgayppa gypqqgyppp pgayppagyp pgayppapgg
61 yppapgyggy ppapgyggyp papghggypp agypahhsgh aggiggmiag aaaaygahhv
121 ahsshgpygh aayghgfghg hgygyghghg kfkhgkhgkf khgkhgmfgg gkfkkwk