LOCUS KMI03909 212 aa linear BCT 19-JUN-2015
DEFINITION hypothetical protein SM81_00044 [Klebsiella pneumoniae].
DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA271899
BioSample: SAMN03280410
DBSOURCE accession LFAW01000001.1
SOURCE Klebsiella pneumoniae
ORGANISM Klebsiella pneumoniae
Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria;
Enterobacterales; Enterobacteriaceae; Klebsiella/Raoultella group;
Klebsiella; Klebsiella pneumoniae complex.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 212)
AUTHORS Earl,A.M., Onderdonk,A.B., Kirby,J., Ferraro,M.J., Huang,S.,
Spencer,M., Fodor,A., Hooper,D., Dekker,J., O'Brien,T., Quan,V.,
Gombosev,A., Delaney,M., DuBois,A., Ernst,C., Kim,D.S., Rossman,W.,
Gohs,F., Petruso,H., Nozar,T., Mougeot,F., Manson-McGuire,A.,
Young,S., Abouelleil,A., Cao,P., Chapman,S.B., Griggs,A.,
Priest,M., Shea,T., Wortman,I., Wortman,J.R., Nusbaum,C. and
CONSRTM The Broad Institute Genomics Platform, The Broad Institute Genome
Sequencing Center for Infectious Disease
TITLE The Genome Sequence of None
JOURNAL Unpublished
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 212)
AUTHORS Earl,A.M., Onderdonk,A.B., Kirby,J., Ferraro,M.J., Huang,S.,
Spencer,M., Fodor,A., Hooper,D., Dekker,J., O'Brien,T., Quan,V.,
Gombosev,A., Delaney,M., DuBois,A., Ernst,C., Kim,D.S., Rossman,W.,
Gohs,F., Petruso,H., Nozar,T., Mougeot,F., Manson-McGuire,A.,
Young,S., Abouelleil,A., Cao,P., Chapman,S.B., Griggs,A.,
Priest,M., Shea,T., Wortman,I., Wortman,J.R., Nusbaum,C. and
CONSRTM The Broad Institute Genomics Platform, The Broad Institute Genome
Sequencing Center for Infectious Disease
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (10-JUN-2015) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 7
Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
COMMENT Please be aware that the annotation is done automatically with
little or no manual curation.
Assembly Method :: allpaths v. R48559
Assembly Name :: Kleb_pneu_MGH125_V1
Genome Coverage :: 137.0x
Sequencing Technology :: Illumina
Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..212
/organism="Klebsiella pneumoniae"
/host="Homo sapiens"
Protein 1..212
/product="hypothetical protein"
Region 1..210
/note="Glutathione S-transferase [Posttranslational
modification, protein turnover, chaperones]; COG0625"
CDS 1..212
1 mltiwgrkts snvqalmwcv gelgldylrf dvghryggtd seafyqlnpn rtvpvlqdde
61 npplwetgai lrylasryad dafwpgella rtevdrwaew skqnialgft tpvfwrvvrt
121 paaerdpqai aaavtaleqk laiaearlag srylvgdtft ladiqfghvl yryfaidipr
181 rplphlaayy arltsrpafr qhvmvsydel kv