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MAG: hypothetical protein UX00_C0003G0115 [Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWB1_45_17]

GenBank: KKT98443.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       KKT98443                 224 aa            linear   ENV 07-MAY-2015
DEFINITION  MAG: hypothetical protein UX00_C0003G0115 [Microgenomates group
            bacterium GW2011_GWB1_45_17].
VERSION     KKT98443.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA273161
            BioSample: SAMN03319831
DBSOURCE    accession LCKN01000003.1
KEYWORDS    ENV; Metagenome Assembled Genome; MAG.
SOURCE      Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWB1_45_17 (groundwater
  ORGANISM  Microgenomates group bacterium GW2011_GWB1_45_17
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 224)
  AUTHORS   Brown,C.T., Hug,L.A., Thomas,B.C., Sharon,I., Castelle,C.J.,
            Singh,A., Wilkins,M.J., Williams,K.H. and Banfield,J.F.
  TITLE     rRNA introns, odd ribosomes, and small enigmatic genomes across a
            large radiation of phyla
  JOURNAL   Nature (2015) In press
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 224)
  AUTHORS   Brown,C.T., Hug,L.A., Thomas,B.C., Sharon,I., Castelle,C.J.,
            Singh,A., Wilkins,M.J., Williams,K.H. and Banfield,J.F.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-MAY-2015) Earth and Planetary Science, University of
            California - Berkeley, 307 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
COMMENT     ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: idba_ud v. 1.1
            Genome Coverage       :: 17.87x
            Sequencing Technology :: Illumina HiSeq2000
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..224
                     /organism="Microgenomates group bacterium
                     /isolation_source="aquifer sediment"
                     /geo_loc_name="USA: Rifle, CO"
                     /lat_lon="39.5369 N 107.7828 W"
                     /metagenome_source="groundwater metagenome"
     Protein         1..224
                     /product="hypothetical protein"
     Region          114..224
                     /note="Domain of unknown function (DUF5660); pfam18904"
     CDS             1..224
        1 mtqlkppgnt tsqsnggass nnfakallet gghvvqstvd sgvqmaadal gslfgaggsr
       61 lpdtspdnqn entqnnqrng eqsfnqesqe qewkkremrm lrhrevqqve vfnkqdvetk
      121 qkieqlleql kaltkdlsqa drsareaqia vmqgavnpge yhatffekli kvvmllrkkv
      181 qestswieqf nsrksaqkgy wgqfytngtq wsmsqersla tsvg
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