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hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_437944 [Selaginella moellendorffii]

GenBank: EFJ36889.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       EFJ36889                 795 aa            linear   PLN 25-JUL-2016
DEFINITION  hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_437944 [Selaginella
VERSION     EFJ36889.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA13078
            BioSample: SAMN02981255
DBSOURCE    accession GL377566.1
SOURCE      Selaginella moellendorffii
  ORGANISM  Selaginella moellendorffii
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Lycopodiopsida; Selaginellales; Selaginellaceae; Selaginella.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 795)
  AUTHORS   Banks,J.A., Nishiyama,T., Hasebe,M., Bowman,J.L., Gribskov,M.,
            dePamphilis,C., Albert,V.A., Aono,N., Aoyama,T., Ambrose,B.A.,
            Ashton,N.W., Axtell,M.J., Barker,E., Barker,M.S., Bennetzen,J.L.,
            Bonawitz,N.D., Chapple,C., Cheng,C., Correa,L.G., Dacre,M.,
            DeBarry,J., Dreyer,I., Elias,M., Engstrom,E.M., Estelle,M.,
            Feng,L., Finet,C., Floyd,S.K., Frommer,W.B., Fujita,T., Gramzow,L.,
            Gutensohn,M., Harholt,J., Hattori,M., Heyl,A., Hirai,T.,
            Hiwatashi,Y., Ishikawa,M., Iwata,M., Karol,K.G., Koehler,B.,
            Kolukisaoglu,U., Kubo,M., Kurata,T., Lalonde,S., Li,K., Li,Y.,
            Litt,A., Lyons,E., Manning,G., Maruyama,T., Michael,T.P.,
            Mikami,K., Miyazaki,S., Morinaga,S., Murata,T., Mueller-Roeber,B.,
            Nelson,D.R., Obara,M., Oguri,Y., Olmstead,R.G., Onodera,N.,
            Petersen,B.L., Pils,B., Prigge,M., Rensing,S.A., Riano-Pachon,D.M.,
            Roberts,A.W., Sato,Y., Scheller,H.V., Schulz,B., Schulz,C.,
            Shakirov,E.V., Shibagaki,N., Shinohara,N., Shippen,D.E.,
            Sorensen,I., Sotooka,R., Sugimoto,N., Sugita,M., Sumikawa,N.,
            Tanurdzic,M., Theissen,G., Ulvskov,P., Wakazuki,S., Weng,J.K.,
            Willats,W.W., Wipf,D., Wolf,P.G., Yang,L., Zimmer,A.D., Zhu,Q.,
            Mitros,T., Hellsten,U., Loque,D., Otillar,R., Salamov,A.,
            Schmutz,J., Shapiro,H., Lindquist,E., Lucas,S., Rokhsar,D. and
  TITLE     The Selaginella genome identifies genetic changes associated with
            the evolution of vascular plants
  JOURNAL   Science 332 (6032), 960-963 (2011)
   PUBMED   21551031
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 795)
  AUTHORS   Grigoriev,I.V., Otillar,R., Schmutz,J., Salamov,A., Lindquist,E.,
            Lucas,S., Pitluck,S., Shapiro,H., Rokhsar,D.S., Hasebe,M.,
            Bowman,J., dePamphils,C., Gribskov,M. and Banks,J.
  CONSRTM   Selaginella Consortium
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (22-JAN-2010) US DOE Joint Genome Institute, 2800
            Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1698, USA
COMMENT     Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..795
                     /organism="Selaginella moellendorffii"
     Protein         1..795
                     /product="hypothetical protein"
     Region          139..241
                     /note="B3 DNA binding domain; pfam02362"
     Site            order(141,144,152,155,157,192,203,205..206,208..209)
                     /note="putative DNA binding site [nucleotide binding]"
     Region          266..348
                     /note="Auxin response factor; pfam06507"
     Region          <667..743
                     /note="AUX/IAA family; pfam02309"
     CDS             1..795
                     /note="predicted protein;
                     GO_component: GO:5634 - nucleus;
                     GO_function: GO:3677 - DNA binding;
                     GO_process: GO:6445; regulation of transcription,
                     DNA-dependent - regulation of translation [PMID 6355]"
        1 mlsssqtygq lgtmmhrptp qrpqpnhgnt naldsevwha cagplvclpr vgdrvvyfpq
       61 ghieqvaast nqsadmqmph ynlpsqiycr llnltlgadr etdevfaqmt lvpeneqgdq
      121 sidtedelsp cpkrklsmfc knltssdtst hggfsvprra aeeclppldy qqsppaqelv
      181 akdlhgvewk frhiyrgqpr rhllttgwsv fvsqkklvag davlflrgdn gelrigvrra
      241 vrqqnsvtss sllsshsmhl gvlaaaahav stktmftify npraspaefv vpyhkyvkaf
      301 thnlsvgmrf kmrfeteess errymgtitg vgdidsdrwi nskwrclqvg wdeqtanerq
      361 ervspweiep fiapnvanpp ttqrvkkfrp ntpanefptg knnsdsaqam hmralqgsha
      421 lgmpskeeeg lrgsspfavw pynrddlkge swiqlrtada pvmdmfgnii apagrhmdss
      481 nvemhqqlrh clqqlrdqks chfdasnsqv qlsprlssfs pyqqgdaadl hlstprptnh
      541 gvvrdsswls plgptqtdaq ayvaadttls mqfsksemtt ermhidsnpd heprehscki
      601 fgfslieksp paasrnpeea rlnpsrggeq mtrcsgragp sagngslehe rcasrpasaw
      661 slrtctkvhl qgaavgravd lskfscysel llelqqlfgl dnalddpdsg wqvvytdneg
      721 dmllvgddpw qefcnmvrni rilspaevek ltqgalgksa vveeepstrd asklsdhqds
      781 ssppaistkg aasdl
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  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for auxin response factor 25 (XP_002961629.1).

More about the gene LOC9658215

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