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ribosomal S6 kinase [Homo sapiens]

GenBank: CAA59427.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       CAA59427                 733 aa            linear   PRI 21-OCT-2008
DEFINITION  ribosomal S6 kinase [Homo sapiens].
VERSION     CAA59427.1
DBSOURCE    embl accession X85106.1
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
  AUTHORS   Zhao,Y., Bjorbaek,C., Weremowicz,S., Morton,C.C. and Moller,D.E.
  TITLE     RSK3 encodes a novel pp90rsk isoform with a unique N-terminal
            sequence: growth factor-stimulated kinase function and nuclear
  JOURNAL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 15 (8), 4353-4363 (1995)
   PUBMED   7623830
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 733)
  AUTHORS   Zhao,Y.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-MAR-1995) Y. Zhao, Beth Israel Hospital/Harvard
            Med.School, Div. of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 330 Brookline
            Ave., Boston, MA 02215, USA
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..733
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     Protein         1..733
                     /product="ribosomal S6 kinase"
     Region          63..379
                     /note="N-terminal catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine
                     Kinase, 90 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase; cd05582"
     Site            order(65..69,73,89,91,122,138..139,141,145,147,184,186,
     Site            order(65..69,73,89,91,122,139..141,145,184,186,188..189,
                     /note="ATP binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(69,145,147,184,186,188,205,219..224,251,257,260)
                     /note="polypeptide substrate binding site [polypeptide
     Site            order(201..212,214..224)
                     /note="activation loop (A-loop)"
     Site            360
                     /note="turn motif phosphorylation site [posttranslational
     Site            373..378
                     /note="hydrophobic motif (HM)"
     Region          411..703
                     /note="C-terminal catalytic domain of the Serine/Threonine
                     Kinase, Ribosomal S6 kinase 3 (also called Ribosomal
                     protein S6 kinase alpha-2 or 90kDa ribosomal protein S6
                     kinase 2); cd14178"
     Site            order(421..425,429,442,444,470,486..489,493,495,531..532,
     Site            order(421..424,429,442,444,470,486..489,493,536..537,539,
                     /note="ATP binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(425,493,495,531..532,534,536,557,572..576,578)
                     /note="polypeptide substrate binding site [polypeptide
     Site            553..576
                     /note="activation loop (A-loop)"
     CDS             1..733
        1 mdlsmkkfav rrffsvylrr ksrsksssls rleeegvvke idishhvkeg fekadpsqfe
       61 llkvlgqgsy gkvflvrkvk gsdagqlyam kvlkkatlkv rdrvrskmer dilaevnhpf
      121 ivklhyafqt egklylildf lrggdlftrl skevmfteed vkfylaelal aldhlhslgi
      181 iyrdlkpeni lldeeghiki tdfglskeai dhdkraysfc gtieymapev vnrrghtqsa
      241 dwwsfgvlmf emltgslpfq gkdrketmal ilkaklgmpq flsgeaqsll ralfkrnpcn
      301 rlgagidgve eikrhpffvt idwntlyrke ikppfkpalg rpedtfhfdp eftartptds
      361 pgvppsanah hlfrgfsfva ssliqepsqq dlhkvpvhpi vqqlhgnnih ftdgyeiked
      421 igvgsysvck rcvhkatdte yavkiidksk rdpseeieil lrygqhpnii tlkdvyddgk
      481 fvylvmelmr ggelldrilr qryfsereas dvlctitktm dylhsqgvvh rdlkpsnily
      541 rdesgspesi rvcdfgfakq lragngllmt pcytanfvap evlkrqgyda acdiwslgil
      601 lytmlagftp fangpddtpe eilarigsgk yalsggnwds isdaakdvvs kmlhvdphqr
      661 ltamqvlkhp wvvnreylsp nqlsrqdvhl vkgamaatyf alnrtpqapr lepvlssnla
      721 qrrgmkrlts trl
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