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RNA polymerase [Tobacco mosaic virus]

GenBank: BFT76232.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BFT76232                 474 aa            linear   VRL 04-OCT-2024
DEFINITION  RNA polymerase [Tobacco mosaic virus].
VERSION     BFT76232.1
DBSOURCE    accession LC846392.1
SOURCE      Tobacco mosaic virus
  ORGANISM  Tobacco mosaic virus
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Alsuviricetes;
            Martellivirales; Virgaviridae; Tobamovirus.
  AUTHORS   Jeong,R.D. and Kim,M.J.
  TITLE     Observation of various plant viruses in fine dust in Gwangju, Korea
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 474)
  AUTHORS   Jeong,R.D. and Kim,M.J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-OCT-2024) Contact:Rae Dong Jeong Chonnam National
            University, Department of Applied Biology; 77 Yongbong-ro Buk-gu,
            Gwangju, Jeollanm-do 61186, Korea
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..474
                     /organism="Tobacco mosaic virus"
                     /isolation_source="Fine dust"
                     /geo_loc_name="South Korea: Gwang ju"
     Protein         1..474
                     /product="RNA polymerase"
     CDS             1..474
        1 mqfyydkclp gnstmmnnfd avtmrltdis lnvkdcildm sksvaapkdq ikplipmvrt
       61 aaemprqtgl lenlvamikr nfnapelsgi idientaslv vdkffdsyll kekrkpnknv
      121 slfsreslnr wlekqeqvti gqladfdfvd lpavdqyrhm ikaqpkqkld tsiqteypal
      181 qtivyhskki naifgplfse ltrqlldsvd ssrflfftrk tpaqiedffg dldshvpmdi
      241 leldiskydk sqnefhcave yeiwrrlgfe dflgevwkqg hrkttlkdyt agiktciwyq
      301 rksgdvttfi gntviiaacl asmlpmekii kgafcgddsl lyfpkgcefp dvqhsanlmw
      361 nfeaklfkkq ygyfcgryvi hhdrgcivyy dplklisklg akhikdwehl eefrrslcdv
      421 avslnncayy tqlddavwev hktappgsfv ykslvkylsd kvlfrslfid gssc
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