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At2g31300/F16D14.14 [Arabidopsis thaliana]

GenBank: AAN18136.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       AAN18136                 378 aa            linear   PLN 25-SEP-2002
DEFINITION  At2g31300/F16D14.14 [Arabidopsis thaliana].
VERSION     AAN18136.1
DBSOURCE    accession BT000567.1
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
            Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
            Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 378)
  AUTHORS   Cheuk,R., Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Bowser,L., Carninci,P.,
            Chan,M.M., Chang,C.H., Dale,J.M., Deng,J.M., Hayashizaki,Y.,
            Hsuan,V.W., Ishida,J., Jones,T., Kamiya,A., Karlin-Neumann,G.,
            Kawai,J., Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Narusaka,M.,
            Nguyen,M., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M.,
            Southwick,A., Tang,C.C., Toriumi,M., Wallender,E.K., Wong,C.,
            Wu,H.C., Yamada,K., Yu,G., Yuan,S., Shinozaki,K., Davis,R.W.,
            Theologis,A. and Ecker,J.R.
  TITLE     Arabidopsis ORF clones
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 378)
  AUTHORS   Cheuk,R., Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Bowser,L., Carninci,P.,
            Chan,M.M., Chang,C.H., Dale,J.M., Deng,J.M., Hayashizaki,Y.,
            Hsuan,V.W., Ishida,J., Jones,T., Kamiya,A., Karlin-Neumann,G.,
            Kawai,J., Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Narusaka,M.,
            Nguyen,M., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M.,
            Southwick,A., Tang,C.C., Toriumi,M., Wallender,E.K., Wong,C.,
            Wu,H.C., Yamada,K., Yu,G., Yuan,S., Shinozaki,K., Davis,R.W.,
            Theologis,A. and Ecker,J.R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (25-SEP-2002) Salk Institute Genomic Analysis Laboratory
            (SIGnAL), Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute for
            Biological Studies, 10010 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037,
COMMENT     RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) members carried out the
            collection and clustering of RAFL cDNAs (RAFL cDNA : 'RIKEN
            Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA') :  Seki,M., Narusaka,M., Ishida,J.,
            Satou,M., Kamiya,A., Sakurai,T., Carninci,P.,  Kawai,J.,
            Hayashizaki,Y. and Shinozaki,K.
            The Salk, Stanford, PGEC (SSP) Consortium members constructed and
            sequenced the pUNI (ORF) clones using the RAFL cDNAs: Cheuk,R.,
            Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Banh,J. Bowser,L., Chan,M.M.,
            Chang,E., Dale,J.M., Deng, J.M., Goldsmith,A.D., Jones,T.,
            Karlin-Neumann,G., Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Nguyen,M.,
            Onodera,C.S., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Southwick,A., Tang,C.C.,
            Toriumi,M., Wu,H.C., Yamada,K., Yamamura, Y., Yu,G., Davis,R.W.,
            Theologis,A., and Ecker,J.R.
            Cheuk,R. (SSP/Salk) and Seki,M. (RIKEN GSC) contributed equally to
            this work.  Shinozaki,K. (RIKEN GSC) and Ecker,J.R. (SSP/Salk)
            contributed equally to this work as PIs.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..378
                     /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
                     /note="This clone is in pUNI 51"
     Protein         1..378
     Region          13..53
                     /region_name="WD40 repeat"
                     /note="WD40 repeat [structural motif]"
     Region          <17..246
                     /note="WD40 repeat [General function prediction only];
     Region          59..96
                     /region_name="WD40 repeat"
                     /note="WD40 repeat [structural motif]"
     Region          102..141
                     /region_name="WD40 repeat"
                     /note="WD40 repeat [structural motif]"
     Region          149..194
                     /region_name="WD40 repeat"
                     /note="WD40 repeat [structural motif]"
     CDS             1..378
                     /note="putative ARP2/3 protein complex subunit p41"
        1 mavvdvhrfa esitchawsp dlsmvalcpn ntevhiyksl sqdhwerlhv lqkhdqivsg
       61 idwssksnki vtvshdrnsy vwslegaewv ptlvilrlnr aalcvqwspk enkfavgsga
      121 ktvcicyyeq ennwwvskli rkrhessvts vawhpnnvll attstdgkcr vfstfikgvd
      181 tkdskagspa etkfgeqilq ldlsyswafg vkwspsgntl ayvghssmiy fvddvgpspl
      241 aqsvafrdlp lrdvlfisek mvigvgydsn pmvfaaddtg iwsfiryige kkaassgssy
      301 ssqfseafgk fygsqskstt andasdsrgg vhdnsitsiv plgkggspkv mrfstsgldg
      361 kiaiwdlenm qqelgnqf
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