LOCUS AAM52243 268 aa linear PLN 18-JUN-2002
DEFINITION AT4g34410/F10M10_180 [Arabidopsis thaliana].
DBSOURCE accession AY120700.1
SOURCE Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
ORGANISM Arabidopsis thaliana
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 268)
AUTHORS Cheuk,R., Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Banh,J., Bowser,L.,
Carninci,P., Chang,E., Dale,J.M., Goldsmith,A.D., Hayashizaki,Y.,
Ishida,J., Jones,T., Kamiya,A., Karlin-Neumann,G., Kawai,J.,
Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Narusaka,M., Nguyen,M.,
Onodera,C.S., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M.,
Southwick,A., Tang,C.C., Toriumi,M., Wu,H.C., Yamada,K.,
Yamamura,Y., Yu,G., Yu,S., Shinozaki,K., Davis,R.W., Theologis,A.
and Ecker,J.R.
TITLE Arabidopsis ORF clones
JOURNAL Unpublished
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 268)
AUTHORS Cheuk,R., Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Banh,J., Bowser,L.,
Carninci,P., Chang,E., Dale,J.M., Goldsmith,A.D., Hayashizaki,Y.,
Ishida,J., Jones,T., Kamiya,A., Karlin-Neumann,G., Kawai,J.,
Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Narusaka,M., Nguyen,M.,
Onodera,C.S., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M.,
Southwick,A., Tang,C.C., Toriumi,M., Wu,H.C., Yamada,K.,
Yamamura,Y., Yu,G., Yu,S., Shinozaki,K., Davis,R.W., Theologis,A.
and Ecker,J.R.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (06-JUN-2002) Salk Institute Genomic Analysis Laboratory
(SIGnAL), Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute for
Biological Studies, 10010 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037,
COMMENT RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) members carried out the
collection and clustering of RAFL cDNAs (RAFL cDNA : 'RIKEN
Arabidopsis Full-Length cDNA') : Seki,M., Narusaka,M., Ishida,J.,
Satou,M., Kamiya,A., Sakurai,T., Carninci,P., Kawai,J.,
Hayashizaki,Y. and Shinozaki,K.
The Salk, Stanford, PGEC (SSP) Consortium members constructed and
sequenced the pUNI (ORF) clones using the RAFL cDNAs: Cheuk,R.,
Chen,H., Kim,C.J., Shinn,P., Banh,J. Bowser,L., Chan,M.M.,
Chang,E., Dale,J.M., Deng, J.M., Goldsmith,A.D., Jones,T.,
Karlin-Neumann,G., Lam,B., Lee,J.M., Lin,J., Miranda,M., Nguyen,M.,
Onodera,C.S., Palm,C.J., Quach,H.L., Southwick,A., Tang,C.C.,
Toriumi,M., Wu,H.C., Yamada,K., Yamamura, Y., Yu,G., Davis,R.W.,
Theologis,A., and Ecker,J.R.
Cheuk,R. (SSP/Salk) and Seki,M. (RIKEN GSC) contributed equally to
this work. Shinozaki,K. (RIKEN GSC) and Ecker,J.R. (SSP/Salk)
contributed equally to this work as PIs.
Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..268
/organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
/note="This clone is in pUNI 51"
Protein 1..268
Region 136..198
/note="DNA-binding domain in plant proteins such as
APETALA2 and EREBPs; smart00380"
Site order(137..138,140,142,144,146,150,152,159,161,164)
/site_type="DNA binding"
/note="DNA binding site [nucleotide binding]"
CDS 1..268
/note="transcription factor protein"
1 mhypnnrtef vgapaptryq keqlspeqel svivsalqhv isgenetapc qgfssdstvi
61 sagmprldsd tcqvcriegc lgcnyffapn qrieknhqqe eeitsssnrr resspvakka
121 egggkirkrk nkkngyrgvr qrpwgkfaae irdpkratrv wlgtfetaed aaraydraai
181 gfrgprakln fpfvdytssv sspvaaddig akasasasvs atdsveaeqw nggggdcnme
241 ewmnmmmmmd fgngdssdsg ntiadmfq