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peroxidase [Arabidopsis thaliana]

GenBank: AAM47886.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       AAM47886                 329 aa            linear   PLN 10-JUN-2002
DEFINITION  peroxidase [Arabidopsis thaliana].
VERSION     AAM47886.1
DBSOURCE    accession AY114567.1
SOURCE      Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
  ORGANISM  Arabidopsis thaliana
            Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
            Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae;
            Pentapetalae; rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae;
            Camelineae; Arabidopsis.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 329)
  AUTHORS   Tripp,M., Southwick,A., Karlin-Neumann,G., Nguyen,M., Miranda,M.,
            Palm,C.J., Bowser,L., Jones,T., Banh,J., Carninci,P., Chen,H.,
            Cheuk,R., Chung,M.K., Hayashizaki,Y., Ishida,J., Kamiya,A.,
            Kawai,J., Kim,C., Lin,J., Liu,S.X., Narusaka,M., Pham,P.K.,
            Sakano,H., Sakurai,T., Satou,M., Seki,M., Shinn,P., Yamada,K.,
            Shinozaki,K., Ecker,J., Theologis,A. and Davis,R.W.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (22-MAY-2002) DNA Sequencing and Technology Center,
            Stanford University, 855 California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304,
COMMENT     e-mail for correspondence: arab@sequence.stanford.edu
            The RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) members carried out the
            collection and clustering of RAFL cDNAs (RAFL cDNA : 'RIKEN
            Arabidopsis  Full-Length  cDNA'): Seki,M., Narusaka,M.,  Ishida,J.,
            Satou,M., Kamiya,A., Sakurai,T., Carninci,P.,  Kawai, J.,
            Hayashizaki,Y.  and  Shinozaki,K.
            The Salk, Stanford, PGEC (SSP) Consortium members constructed and
            sequenced the pUNI (ORF) clones using the RAFL cDNAs: Tripp,M.,
            Nguyen,M., Southwick,A., Karlin-Neumann,G.,  Lam,B., Miranda,M.,
            Palm,C.J., Bowser,L., Jones,T., Banh,J., Chen,H., Cheuk,R.,
            Chung,M.K., Kim,C., Lin,J., Liu,S.X., Pham,P.K., Sakano,H.,
            Shinn,P., Yamada,K., Ecker,J., Theologis,A. and Davis,R.W.
            Tripp,M, (SSP/Stanford) and Seki,M. (RIKEN GSC) contributed equally
            to this work.  Shinozaki,K. (RIKEN GSC) and Davis,R.W.
            (SSP/Stanford)  contributed equally to this work as PIs.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..329
                     /organism="Arabidopsis thaliana"
                     /note="This clone is in pENTR/SD-dTopo This is a cloned
                     PCR product using RIKEN clone RAFL05-14-B21 (AY072326) as
                     a template"
     Protein         1..329
     Region          28..326
                     /note="Horseradish peroxidase and related secretory plant
                     peroxidases; cd00693"
     Site            order(58,61..62,64..65,68..69,98,100,164..167,173,177,187,
     Site            order(58,61..62,64..65,68,96,98,100,164..166,173,177,187,
                     /note="heme binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(65,94..95,164..167,200,202..203)
                     /note="substrate binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(70,73,77,79,195,247,250,253,255)
                     /note="calcium binding sites [ion binding]"
     CDS             1..329
        1 mktmtqlnia vvvvvtvlig mlrsseaqlq mnfyakscpn aekiisdhiq nhihngpsla
       61 aplirmhfhd cfvrgcdgsv linstsgnae rdappnltlr gfgfverika llekvcpktv
      121 scadiialta rdavvatggp swsvptgrrd grisnkteat nnippptsnf ttlqrlfknq
      181 glnlkdlvll sgahtigvsh cssmntrlyn fsttvkqdps ldsqyaanlk ankckslndn
      241 stilemdpgs srsfdlsyyr lvlkrrglfq sdsalttnsa tlkvindlvn gsekkffkaf
      301 aksmekmgrv kvktgsagvi rtrcsvags
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  • RefSeq protein
    See the reference protein sequence for Peroxidase superfamily protein (NP_188814.1).

More about the AT3G21770 gene

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