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conserved hypothetical protein [Candida tropicalis MYA-3404]

NCBI Reference Sequence: XP_002547593.1

Identical Proteins FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       XP_002547593            1237 aa            linear   PLN 11-APR-2018
DEFINITION  conserved hypothetical protein [Candida tropicalis MYA-3404].
ACCESSION   XP_002547593
VERSION     XP_002547593.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA39569
            BioSample: SAMN02953608
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession XM_002547547.1
SOURCE      Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
  ORGANISM  Candida tropicalis MYA-3404
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; Saccharomycotina;
            Pichiomycetes; Debaryomycetaceae; Candida/Lodderomyces clade;
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 1237)
  AUTHORS   Butler,G., Rasmussen,M.D., Lin,M.F., Santos,M.A., Sakthikumar,S.,
            Munro,C.A., Rheinbay,E., Grabherr,M., Forche,A., Reedy,J.L.,
            Agrafioti,I., Arnaud,M.B., Bates,S., Brown,A.J., Brunke,S.,
            Costanzo,M.C., Fitzpatrick,D.A., de Groot,P.W., Harris,D.,
            Hoyer,L.L., Hube,B., Klis,F.M., Kodira,C., Lennard,N., Logue,M.E.,
            Martin,R., Neiman,A.M., Nikolaou,E., Quail,M.A., Quinn,J.,
            Santos,M.C., Schmitzberger,F.F., Sherlock,G., Shah,P.,
            Silverstein,K.A., Skrzypek,M.S., Soll,D., Staggs,R., Stansfield,I.,
            Stumpf,M.P., Sudbery,P.E., Srikantha,T., Zeng,Q., Berman,J.,
            Berriman,M., Heitman,J., Gow,N.A., Lorenz,M.C., Birren,B.W.,
            Kellis,M. and Cuomo,C.A.
  TITLE     Evolution of pathogenicity and sexual reproduction in eight Candida
  JOURNAL   Nature 459 (7247), 657-662 (2009)
   PUBMED   19465905
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 1237)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (11-APR-2018) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 1237)
  AUTHORS   Birren,B., Lander,E., Galagan,J., Nusbaum,C., Devon,K., Cuomo,C.,
            Kellis,M., Rasmussen,M.D., Grochow,J.A., Jaffe,D., Butler,J.,
            Alvarez,P., Gnerre,S., Grabherr,M., Kleber,M., Mauceli,E.,
            Brockman,W., MacCallum,I.A., Rounsley,S., Young,S., LaButti,K.,
            Pushparaj,V., DeCaprio,D., Crawford,M., Koehrsen,M., Engels,R.,
            Montgomery,P., Pearson,M., Howarth,C., Larson,L., Luoma,S.,
            White,J., Zeng,Q., Kodira,C., Yandava,C., Alvarado,L., O'Leary,S.,
            Soll,D.R. and Srikantha,T.
  CONSRTM   The Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (09-JUN-2009) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, 320
            Charles Street, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to EER35038.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1237
                     /organism="Candida tropicalis MYA-3404"
     Protein         1..1237
                     /product="conserved hypothetical protein"
     Region          153..255
                     /note="forkhead associated (FHA) domain found in
                     Saccharomyces cerevisiae fork head protein homolog 1
                     (FKH1), 2 (FKH2) and similar proteins; cd22701"
     Site            order(174..175,197..198,200,218,220..221)
                     /note="putative phosphopeptide binding site [polypeptide
     Region          <613..>815
                     /note="Transcription factor of the Forkhead/HNF3 family
     Region          715..797
                     /note="Forkhead domain; pfam00250"
     Region          <1007..1207
                     /note="large tegument protein UL36; Provisional"
     CDS             1..1237
                     /note="Candida DB at Institut Pasteur CTRG_01900"
        1 msstddpink slreshessh llqsprdidl tltseiklev pnvistlshe deinqlfdda
       61 tqpasgdlks tvktedkpqe qlheddpkav plispidesk tastsispnl fpadgkqtpt
      121 nqkelrrkst fvpvtsdtki mdvseednsr isayarldfd nftffvqtlq vvlgrksnde
      181 slqqnvdvhl sskkaisrrh akifynfgsq rfeitilgrn gafvdnvfvg kgltvplkdg
      241 tkiqigdipf qfvlppsses nkerefesss kqfnpsdain lksnlysatp tpkaspkkks
      301 vddsksklet epplakakpt srkssasnqa taksispkss ttttkaatds aisatpapap
      361 apstptpttt ttptptnttt sttaarknsi qrrnsllkir rlsnarrksl aandeinell
      421 kdlgvtsida ineensdlld aqiqsllded senlggleds lmklaefnes aiddgddeee
      481 dpnkstaadt ttttatnstt knnnnnnssn nnndnhefdr lvkgiehdal ddeikdidas
      541 lsllnqeiaq leplidehnq glmrekeekk kqleeqkrkk qlqqlqrknt laklplrsap
      601 lmgkpasiqp passsiysri ngldkigkii pprqpppklv apvllitsep sairsrpplr
      661 aitvsdasyl atfsypktie epskypkpkl kkephkkssk kvyttdeipt qyrskpninf
      721 qtmitnvlkt eaarngltis eiteairevy pyykycpdgw qfsvnhcikf tkiykrlskr
      781 gnewlyamde lyinerenir ikqrelakar akaeamrqee irqrqrleaq kslshnivgr
      841 nfaspypntr vpsnqygqyv agsatgtsnq gygtgttagt sggqktikaq laavrgntns
      901 ssskqtspgl psmddprtqk slvylrkelf tlykarklty dlptatslit kavattiaqv
      961 nsigakrgag dnalgylveq apqqvskilg ialnnaikeh eghssgpssr satpaskstt
     1021 siskvstpap apasapvvtp tsttapvpak itqpaapivt pavksttpak iptttatpps
     1081 isaspvvvkt epkspapqpp asstttkssp taavvasppa ppstketiks ppttattttt
     1141 tptvpapapa papapvqkpk ptpptnlprp sfgkppglkp gaslgrpsaf gkppsaaggg
     1201 fsraaptfls nkpsfqstkr elesddseka tkiqkte
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  • RefSeq mRNA
    See reference mRNA sequence for the CTRG_01900 gene (XM_002547547.1).

More about the gene CTRG_01900

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